Monday, December 31, 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas has a whole new meaning now that I have my boys! All of my focus is on them. I want them to be happy, I want to surround them with good people, I want to keep them involved with our wonderful church, and I want them to enjoy time with family. Christmas is very busy for me since I have taken on the responsibility of filling my moms shoes. We have such a big family (18 immediate family, and growing!) so the shopping, wrapping, decorating, coordinating, planning, cooking for this bunch is quiet the challenge. Mom was so deeply rooted in traditions and family time, which is something that I promised her I would continue. Taking on this responsibility has taught me so much about being a mom. It is a time of being completely selfless, making sacrifices, and constantly thinking of other people.

 As much as I love doing this for my entire family- I don't want it to take away from "my little family" time and traditions. Scott and I reserved Christmas morning just for the 4 of us! It was just us and the boys while opening Santa presents, eating breakfast, and playing with our new loot! It was a slow and remotely quiet morning, we loved it! We took our time and didn't look at the clock once...we just enjoyed simply being with each other! It was a perfect first Christmas for Trent!!!

We do Christmas Eve morning/lunch with my family. Then we do Christmas Eve dinner with Scott's family. Scott's mom was in town this year, so Christmas afternoon we went out to the Woodlands to visit. This year was extra special because Hunter is a great age to get super excited about Christmas. He loved every detail...the Christmas lights, the songs, Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas trees, and everything else! He loved talking about Santa Claus and looking at him, but he did not want to get too close!
However, his Santa confidence slowly built up. In fact, Santa Claus (aka: Scott's cousin) came to our house Christmas Eve while eating dinner. It was the best moment ever! Truly, this moment was my favorite mother moment so far! Hunter screamed and cried with anxiety when Santa surprised us by walking in the door! Then, he started warming up to Santa and kept shouting "choo-choo, big car!!" That is what he wanted for Christmas! It was adorable. Hunter was jumping up and down and screaming at Santa "choo-choo, big car!" THEN...Santa reached into his bag and handed Hunter a gift. Hunter opened it and started shaking...literally! It was a CHOO-CHOO! That sent Hunter over the edge! He started shaking, jumping, screaming "thank you Santa, thank you Santa, thank you Santa!" Oh my, it was so sweet. Every ounce of his little mind and soul believed. It was such a lesson of innocence and living in the moment. We all (including Santa) had tears of joy as we watched Hunter's reaction!

And sweet Trent, he just went along with the program. He has the ability to exude calmness and contentedness, which is just what we all need during the holiday hussel and bussel! He inspires me everyday to try and be more "go with the flow." He enjoyed Christmas. He enjoyed watching and listening to Hunter's excitement. He loved looking at Christmas lights, and of course he loved all the extra hugs and kisses! He actually attempted to open his presents. He would reach and grab the paper, then shake his arm to loosen the paper. He got a few "grasp toys" which are easy for him to hold. Hunter would clap and say "Yea, Baby Trent playin'!" These boys are so much fun to watch!

All in was a busy Christmas full of laughter, love, food, family, and great memories. I look forward to the many holiday seasons in the future. Each year will bring new adventures! This year has continued to soften my heart and make me appreciate the true meaning of Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My sweet dad, aka "Pardner," is so willing to do anything for my little family! He is not physically able to do too much considering his failing knees, kidney transplant, diabetes....all of which entail TONS of medicine that make his muscles weak. However, he is willing to bend over backwards to make my life easier. It is hard for him to watch me raise my family without my mom. It breaks his heart to know what I could have had, but he does what he can. Best of all, he loves us so much! Hunter goes to school on Monday and Tuesday's 9:00-2:00. Picking him up in the afternoon is difficult because that is right in the middle of Trent's nap! So, my dad comes over every Monday and Tuesday and sits at our house while I go pick up Hunter. This way, Trent gets a long and uninterrupted nap! Hunter loves it too because Pardner always brings an "after school treat" for him! It's a WIN WIN for everyone! Thank you Parder!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5 months

Trent are you 5 months old!??
Trent has totally blossomed out of the newborn stage! He has his personality, quirks, likes, and dislikes. He is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. Here is what 5 month old Baby Trent is up to:
  • He is SO STIFF! I joke that he swallowed a coat hanger!!!
  • Has the most piercing blue eyes!
  • Breastfeeds 8:00am, 11:00, 1:00 (before nap), 4:00, 7:00 (bedtime)
  • He sometimes wakes around 6:00am, but I feed him and he goes back to sleep
  • Sleeps from 7pm-7am (give or take an hour)
  • Morning nap 9:00-10:30ish
  • Afternoon nap 1:00-4:00
  • He sometimes takes an evening catnap if we are in car
  • Size 2 diaper 
  • Size 6mo or 6-9 month clothes
  • Rolls from tummy to back consistently, and back to tummy occasionally
  • Can stand up if you position him on table or stand up toy. He is VERY strong
  • Can sit up, unassisted, for only a minute
  • Always...always has his hands in his mouth
  • Thumb sucker!! He is not a huge pacifier fan!
  • Loves his johnny jumper and excersaucer
  • On the go- all the time! He is a very flexible baby
  • We still eat lunch with Scott every Wednesday, and Trent now stays awake for lunch!
  • Has the best laugh! He squeals and 'gasps' when he laughs!
  • Just started using sleep sack- no more swaddle!
  • Chunky monkey! I have to move around his thigh rolls during diaper changes
  • He is very patient with Hunter, and is just very patient overall!
  • Easy going temperament
  • Continues to look more and more like an Evetts (my family)
I love this age. Everyday is such an adventure as he learns who he is. If I had to wrap Trent up into 3 words, I would say....calming, content, and cool!!! I have said that from the beginning, but he is sticking to it! We love him so much!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby Trent

So, everyone calls Trent..."Baby Trent!" Everyone!! Not sure how this started, but even our pediatrician calls him Baby Trent. Hunter has called him Baby Trent from day 1. I have never heard him just say "Trent." Pretend that Trent is a professional athlete, can't you hear the announcers say, "Baby Trent starting off the season strong. Good catch by Baby Trent!" Hahahahaha!! He is such a sweet boy and Baby Trent is very fitting! Trent can now be held on my hip, like a "big boy!" I love this milestone, it makes motherhood much easier! He is also babbling away. He has a pretty loud voice, but it has the sweetest tone!

Baby Trent got sick last week. He caught Hunter's cold (probably because Hunter is ALWAYS in his face!) Dr. Brack heard slight wheezing in his lungs, so decided to do 2 days of breathing treatments to prevent full blown bronchitis. It was so sad to do the breathing treatments. He loved the steam mask. The steam and noise of the machine put him to sleep! He slept a almost 24 hours straight! However, he woke up a new and refreshed baby! So, the boys are on the mend!
We had our first Christmas family party last weekend. My dad's family is huge, so we meet early to kick off the holiday season...just to ensure everyone can come! Trent slept the whole time in the back bedroom because of his cold, but Hunter had a blast with his 17 cousins (15 of them are under 6 years old!)
We are so busy this holiday season- borderline too busy! I do everything that my mom used to do....which means shopping for my 18 immediate family members, tons of cooking, tons of wrapping! All this on top of friends, Scott's family, kids, etc! However, in all the business, we do not overlook the meaning of the Christmas season. Scott and I make a point to slow down and eat dinner together, say our prayers at bedtime with the boys, listen to Christmas carols, look at decorations, and just enjoy our time together and be grateful that God has greatly blessed our lives!!