Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There is just something about the sun that makes our days so pleasant, more adventurous, more positive and fun!! We have been on so many walks this week. Everyday, people comment on how cute my "walking team" is!! Hunter and Trent in the stroller with Bentley walking alongside while Zoe sits in the front of the stroller. I think this is Zoe's favorite thing to do! She sits right by Trent's feet at the front of the stroller, and she gets lots of attention!! Trent moves his feet a lot so he is always pushing and kicking Zoe! I love spending time outside with my boys during this beautiful weather. We do everything, read books, play, wait for daddy to get home, you name it and we are outside!! Trent gets totally relaxed while outside, the breeze seems to put him in a trance. He sits there with his eyes fixated on something then he will "snap" out of it and start watching Hunter play!
Hunter is such a protective and wonderful brother. They have started to really play together. I put them both in the cozy coupe and Hunter holds onto Trent so tight just to make sure he is okay!! Trent is starting to get a little more vocal in the evenings, which is a new thing!! We are starting to try baby food, which has been unsuccessful so far. He will eat a few bites like a champ then start gagging and spitting after about 6 bites! Maybe he is not ready for it yet? I will keep trying everyday until he gets the hang of it. He is pushing back his wake time in the mornings...he sometimes wakes close to 8! 7pm-8am is a lot of sleep!! I think he is in need of some nap change, but I can't figure out what?? Trial and error begins, which means a few days of crying! These transitional periods are always a little rough until you completely figure out the next "phase." They are both napping now, so I am going to watch old episodes of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!!

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