Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas

This was a special Christmas! 2015 goes in the books as one of my favorite Christmas seasons so far! The kids are at great ages. They believe with their entire being, which brings such joy to the season. I made the choice not to overload our days with constant activities. We didn't do EVERYTHING that came across our path...every Christmas play date, every Christmas event, light show, etc. I decided to pick and choose so that our days were based around the simple pleasures of Christmas. The simplicity of being a kid! 
We enjoyed looking at Christmas lights, our annual Christmas block party, school parties, church services, and a few play dates with friends. The rest of our days were filled with outside play and spending time together. Lots of cooking too! We made cookies for neighbors and a few friends. This was a fun filled activity that took all weekend! 
We do a sibling draw for gift giving. So, we put the 3 kids name in a bowl and draw. Hunter got Faith Ann. Trent got Hunter. Faith Ann got Trent. Shopping for the sibling names was one of our favorite memories! As a family, we all ate at Southwells then headed to Five Below to shop. Scott took Trent and Faith Ann with him and I had Hunter. We tried to avoid seeing one another! Scott checked out first while Hunter and I hid in the back! Then, we drove around to look at Christmas lights! Finally, we went home and all separated and the kids wrapped their gifts....they were the first gifts under the tree, and they were so proud of themselves! 
Christmas Eve, my entire family comes to our house. I shop all year long for my siblings/in-laws/kids (on behalf of my mom and dad.) Dad always loves to treat us to gifts, but I do all the shopping, which I love to do for my dad and family! The living room was full of gifts! We sat in a circle and took turns. Everyone loved their gifts, which always makes me happy! Dad LOVES this time with the family. He knows this was moms favorite time of year, so her memory always fills the room. After gifts, we all ate our traditional gumbo lunch and played outside. HOT day! We were all sweaty, but had a great time! Faith Ann wore my old outfit, which she looked precious!
Scott, the kids and I loaded up and ate a Denny's dinner before Christmas Eve service. The kids got "Rudolph pancakes!" Denny's is always yummy! Church service was great!! Wonderful music and great message. Dad joined us at church too. Then, we came home and set out cookies and milk for Santa. Then, Scott and I had a busy night from there!
Christmas morning was a huge success! They each get 3 gifts because Jesus was given 3 gifts, so that keeps things in perspective for all! They also get a sibling gift and a gift from us. This allows time for them to appreciate each gift and we all enjoy watching each other! Trent was most excited about his swing and minion wallet. Faith Ann was only focused on eating the cookies that Santa left behind! And Hunter was over the moon about his ninja climbing rope and his own ninja gym! Santa left a note for him to go look outside...there it was! His own ninja gym with a rock wall, salmon ladder, pull up bar and rings! Scott and I know that the elves worked VERY hard to make this happen, and it was worth it all! Hunter was the happiest I have ever seen him!
Trent was so mild mannered, calm, cool and collected. He was definitely excited, but he just has this "coolness" about him! Scott and I laugh because he is like a 15 year old dude! He was over joyed about his light up toothbrush! Of course, his wallet and swing were a hit! Hunter shows joy by screaming and laughing! Hunter was SO excited when he opened his ninja climbing rope. He threw his hands in the air with a huge smile! Trent shows joy with a shy smirk and quiet appreciation! I just admire my boys so much! 
The rest of the day was spent playing with their loot! Hours were spent on the ninja gym and the climbing rope, which was mainly used as a rope swing. The kids would make landing pads and swing and try to let go and land on the target! Scott just so happened to become the landing pad because he was on a cushions!! Ha! And for the first time, Faith Ann really played dolls! SO cute!
Scott's family came over Christmas night for a delicious dinner. We continued to play in our yard, which is pretty much an amusement park these days...trampoline, ninja gym, rope swing, roller coaster, slides, fort, playhouse! Our kids will definitely have memories of yard fun!! Great Christmas! We are blessed, grateful and honored to have such special loved ones!

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