Friday, January 11, 2019

Team Ninja Warrior

And what a way to end this book!! Team Ninja experience of a lifetime!!!! We actually filmed at the end of 2017, but it aired in Summer 2018. So, I haven't been able to post or talk about it. Then so much happened in life that I haven't typed about it yet. But, here we go....

Team Big Dog Ninjas!!! American Ninja Warrior also does a show "Team Ninja Warrior." The producers pick a team captain, then the captain gets to choose one girl and one boy to be on their team. Well, Jody picked ME!!!! And Josh Salinas. They are unbelievable, so I was totally humbled and excited!!!! We race other teams, side by side on an obstacle course. We were set to film in LA, California for a week! Leave my kids for a week! That was a lot to prepare for, but decided to go for it because it was a once in a lifetime experience. SO glad I said yes!

Josh, Jody and I trained relentlessly for 8 weeks. Hours and hours a week! I often stayed at the gym until midnight...only to wake up at 6am to do my "mom life!" So, it was a true challenge to merge the two worlds. I used this chance to teach my kids hard work and determination. I wanted them to see me struggle, see me push, see me keep going. I wanted them to see me being the ultimate underdog...yet, facing the challenge with confidence. Because yes...I was totally the underdog in this game! But I put in the work!! For sure! Hard work. And it paid off!!

I was now with all the big names of this sport. Jessie Graff and many others. While I didn't always feel that I belonged...I knew that my hard work earned me this spot. Jody and Josh had so much faith in me and they truly became like family. I love these guys, and I truly loved this experience. So, off to LA we went!! Scott was my biggest cheerleader and was so excited for me. He stayed home with the kids and took over 100%, and he crushed it! So, it was time for lights, camera, action!

The course was very intimidating. The competitors were even more intimidating. Especially to me...a mom that was way less experienced!! But, I kept reminding myself that this is an opportunity to teach my kids that "you'll be the underdog in life, but you buckle up and give it all you got and enjoy the ride!" When we weren't filming, we hiked to the Hollywood sign and did some sight seeing. It was such a nice vacation!! Again, these guys have now become like brothers to me. We laughed hard, worked hard and I am honored to have had this life experience.

Well, days of behind the scenes filming, interviews and green screen shots. It was show time! We found out who we were racing minutes before. And my girl was Michelle Warnky. A 10 year undefeated veteran. Hmmmm??! I had some nerves. But, I didn't work this hard for fear to overcome! So, I stayed focused until 3am when it was our turn to race! Yes, 3am!!!! And it was COLD and windy!! I'll build the suspense and give the race details later.....

After all was said and done. I got on the airplane with a full heart and ready to see my babies. Our team got selected for a home town visit from producers, which my kids were SO excited about. The camera crew camped out at our house and followed us around. I mean...what an experience for the kids!!! They are being exposed to so much, and I am pumped that my hobby gets to give them these learning opportunities. Then, the cameras followed us to Jody's house to film us training together. The cameramen taught them so much about the equipment and even let the boys do some filming. So cool!!!

Well, I had to keep my mouth shut for months until it aired!!! It finally aired and I couldn't wait. I made it up the WARPED WALL and hit the BUZZER!!!! My kids almost had a heart attack! Now...Michelle Warnky beat me in time, but I finished!!! I completed the course and hit the buzzer. It was surreal. Such a proud mother moment for me because I showed them that...yes, hard work pays off!!! Hard work gives you character and pride! And my kids shared that pride with me when they watched me run up that warped wall and hit the buzzer! And above all, they got to see the unconditional joy coming from Josh and Jody. They got to witness the love of a team and what it means to support and build your teammates up! This was a proud moment, one that I worked hard for!

Our team got picked for "wild card round." So, we got to race another team too. I was cruising, but fell on the balance. I fell hard! Crushing my sternum. It was not good. Basically being pulled out of the water and needed medical attention. Again, my kids got to witness the love and "ride or die" of a team. Josh and Josh stood by me and held me up! Here I am a year later, and my chest is still giving me a few issues. But, I use the mild and occasional pain to thank God for such an unbelievable experience.

I also thank God for the chance to teach my kids....sometimes you fall. Sometimes you're the underdog. Sometimes you face fear straight on. Sometimes you get beat. Sometimes you get hurt...BUT, there are also times that you will conquer, you will overcome! So give life all you got!! Live hard, live with intention, live with passion, live with fire in your soul, live to improve, live to learn, and live to LOVE the journey of life!!!! So, this chapter in my life is one that I want to bottle
up as one of the best!! Cheers to that!

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