Sunday, February 16, 2014

7 Months

My doctor appointment went great. I passed my glucose test and the ultrasound went smooth. The baby is growing nicely as my uterus is starting to stretch!! The doctor closely watches the growth of my uterus and the growth of the baby to make sure there continues to be enough space for baby to grow at a healthy rate. Slowly but surely, my belly is growing to provide a safe home for this sweet baby! As in previous pregnancies, it just takes a while for my bump to make its appearance- then I tend to pop around week 30. I can feel my bump growing, and I can now also feel baby move more often...both are reassuring and wonderful feelings!
I am feeling good and energetic. My tailbone still hurts from time to time, but I can deal with it since it is not steady pain. It only hurts when I go from sitting to standing. Once I am standing, it is fine. Maybe the baby is pressing a nerve? Not sure, but if that is all I have to complain about it- I'll take it!
The weather is finally better! It has been so cold and rainy the past few weeks, but the sun has come back out. I feel a whole new rush of energy and motivation with the sunshine. The boys are so happy to be able to play all day outside again. I honestly haven't done anything to prepare for baby, this is starting to weigh on my shoulders. I need to get the boys room ready, organized and decorated. They will be sharing a room, so I have lots to do to prepare for that!! My goal is to have their room complete by the beginning of April, then let them have all of April to get adjusted to sharing a room. Meanwhile, I will use April to prepare baby's room, baby essentials. That's my plan!!
 I am looking forward to all the steps and the transitions...I just need to light the fire and get going! We have been so busy with parties, wedding showers, out of town weddings, etc. It is almost every weekend!! It will start clearing up soon so I can focus on the big transitions ahead!! Feeling blessed!

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