Saturday, November 10, 2018

Happy Halloween

Halloween season with kids is always fun! FaithAnn thought of her own costume, and I was Tooth Fairy! She looked precious and was so proud of her idea. Trent was a zombie, which the costume was kind of scary!! And Hunter, surprisingly, wasn't into the costume thing this year! He settled on putting on a ninja tank and calling himself an American Ninja Warrior! 

Trent and FaithAnn had their "Boo Parade" at school. They wear their costumes and hold a book for a parade around the school. I found the perfect books for their costumes and they looked precious! All smiles!

We went to the pumpkin patch a few times, and enjoyed carving the pumpkin. Note to self....wait until the day before Halloween! Yuck! We had to deal with a soggy pumpkin full of bugs! The kids got excited each time we went to the pumpkin patch at church as they looked for the perfect pumpkin!

We did the "Trunk or Treat" at our church. Our neighbor and I decorated our trunk like "Candyland." It was so cute and creative. And Scott and I taught FaithAnn's Sunday school class, and we look forward to doing the boys class too! We have an amazing church that we are so grateful for.

It was raining on actual Halloween night. Bummer! We tried to hurry and go early before it was dark, which wasn't as fun! But, we got a few streets in and buckets filled with candy. So, all in all, it was a success!! Now, we await Thanksgiving with thankful hearts!

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