Saturday, April 11, 2020

CoronaVirus (History being Made)

Where do I start??? Coronavirus is officially in the history books as a pandemic. The contagious, airborne virus is spreading and shutting down the country, the world! Restaurants, professional sports, businesses, malls...all closed.  And that includes SCHOOL! School is closed, so this means I am homeschooling the rest of the school year!!!! I started by stocking up our kitchen. Grocery stores are considered contaminated, so we try to limit our time out. We have a stocked kitchen, kids are doing more chores, and Scott is working from home, and I am ready to teach! Let's do this!

We spent time organizing cabinets and closets. We prepared the backyard lodge to be Scott's office. We are in for the long haul. The entire country and most of the world is in quarantine. It is crazy!!!! History in the making. People are getting so sick. Hospitals are overflowing. By law, we have to "social distance"....which means stay 6 feet away from everyone!! We are not allowed to go "out and about." We must stay home!!! They are trying to level out the rise of the spread. So, March 23 documents our first day of homeschool! I have truly treasured this time with the kids. I am still training clients, one at a time, and VERY far away from them. So, my mornings are busy. But, I am tackling the tasks and learning a lot along the way!

Scott has actually loved his backyard office. He still has to run to meet clients for signatures, etc. But, we are hunkered down. We go on walks and bike rides around the neighborhood. That's IT! We don't play with friends, only wave HI when we pass their house. We are now on week 3 of this. And it will continue the ret of the month!! Maybe longer. This is a strange time, a hard time....yet, also a simply perfect time. We are REALLY enjoying our time together. No rush, no place to be. Just together and present. There are lessons to be learned from all this! We are also streaming online for church on Sundays, which is so different but keeping God so very present in this time.

We will continue to ride this out and hope that things return to "normal" soon. Scott is closely watching the market, and I'm closely watching the kids. Literally, every second! Once the coronavirus levels off, and busy life resumes...I plan to take some of this simplicity with us. More family dinners at home, less activities, more good 'ole togetherness. We have no clue what is ahead. Taking it one day at a time. And I assure you , these kids will never forget the coronavirus! A footprint in history.

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