Tuesday, February 7, 2012

4 Months

This pregnancy is really flying by! I can't believe I am 4 months! We will know the gender soon, but everything in me says BOY! I see a boy, I feel boy, and talk about boys. Ever since I was a little girl, I envisioned "lots of boys!!" When Scott and I agreed on a large family, I just knew boys were going to fill my house!We will see if my "gut" is right!
Do I want a boy? Yes, I would LOVE "my boys" to be this close in age! Do I want a girl? One day, if it's in my cards...a girl would be great! But, I believe that only God  knows what we want and need! Ever since I lost mom, I have come to fully accept the things I can not change. It's weird because I usually like to know what is going to happen, prepare, and control! But, when mom got sick...a peace about "letting go and turning things over" came into my life! If I can't control it-then it is not on my worry list!! Thank you mom for teaching me this lesson so early on! So, the genders of my babies are all in God's hands, and I will gladly take each one as they come! Having said that, I still see me with "my boys!!!" I am so excited about the journey of our growing family!
 I am feeling wonderful, truly amazing! I love being pregnant! I hope that it continues to be as smooth as first time around! No food cravings, great energy, and I usually wake once a night to go the bathroom. Hunter pats my belly and says "bebe!!" Too stinkin cute! Hunter is now 17 months old and running everywhere! He has lots of teeth, eats a TON, and is a pretty clear "talker." He is still loving school, has a wicked arm, and an easy smile! He is so adventurous and sweet!
 I already FEEL thicker than with Hunter...so I am expecting to show much sooner! As of now, not very much weight gain (a couple lbs), but I am not going to worry about my weight gain this time! I gained 17 lbs with Hunter...and 13 of that came in the last 2 months. So, it took a while for me to show. Let me tell you....people were pretty rude! Their comments made me feel like I was doing something wrong. My doctor did extra ultrasounds, fluid checks and blood test throughout the pregnancy to make sure Hunter was not "growth restricted." Such a waste of stress and time!!!! My doctor has already said, "I'm not even going to do belly measurements this time, and I am not going to worry...so you don't either!" I loved hearing that!! What a great doctor to recognize that everyone has their own "normal!!!"
Someone had to buy lunch!!! The children's museum in the woodlands is great!


  1. Hey Brandi! Love reading the pregnancy updates. So how many children are ya'll planning on? We LOVE having 3! Also, I found out with the last two babies what we were having at our 12 week NT scan. And, one of your ultrasound pics is identical to one of them!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I know what you are having but I don't want to spoil the surprise! :) Congrats again!

  2. Hey Laura! We def want 3, and are open to having 4. We will wait and see?! How far apart are your kids again? I think we want them all pretty close...who knows?!

  3. 3 is truly FUN and definitely not as hard as people think! Once you get used to having 2 children and not just 1, adding more isn't bad at all. I just had my brother growing up and Kris was the only child so we knew we wanted a big family! We are currently contemplating a 4th!! Eee.

    Our first two are 2.5 years apart and the second two are 19 months apart. Both age differences have been pretty good! I think the 2 year range, give or take is just right! I think you are going to love having 2 and once you see the love shared between Hunter and him/her, you'll be overwhelmed with love and joy!

    Best wishes!!!!

  4. LOVE reading these!!! Congrats again :)

  5. Just found your blog through friends of friends and our kids are almost exactly the same! My son was born september 5th and then I had my daughter 22 months later on July 15th :). I'll def be keeping up with y'all now. The age difference is perfect!

  6. thanks girls for your sweet comments! I enjoy keeping up the blog! Kinsey, glad to hear 22 months apart is good! I'm sure I will not plenty of advice along the way!
