Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moving along...6 months!

Time. Moves. Too. Fast! Spring is in full swing and I am 23 weeks pregnant! I will round up one week...I am 6 months pregnant!! WHAT?!

I still feel REALLY good. It's like my body excels with the pregnancy hormone...maybe there is a "pregnant hormone" pill I can take when I am not pregnant! Mom told me that she never felt better in her life than when she was pregnant- as of now, I have to agree with her! My energy is really good (Scott says TOO good!!) I can feel baby boy move a lot, and my body is changing. My baby bump is bipolar...comes out a night and then during the day- I still look like I have a beer belly!
I literally do not sleep! Pregnant or not...I hardly sleep. Scott says it is a sickness!! Not pregnant...I sleep about 4-5 straight hours and then I am wide awake. Pregnant...I sleep only 2-3 straight hours then 30 min here and there (probably a total of 4-5 hours.) But going without straight sleep leaves me frustrated in the middle of the night!
 However, I do not feel tired during the day. So, I wouldn't say it's sleep deprivation. My mom used to say that I was never a sleeper. In fact, she took me to the doctor when I was little because she noticed that NO MATTER what time she checked on me at night- I was wide awake! I wouldn't cry, I would just lay there with my eyes open. And I still do that hours a night- every night! The doctor said "Your body is getting all the rest it needs as long as you do not feel tired during the day."
 Bottom line is that SCOTT is the most frustrated because every time he moves or breaths loud...I get mad at him "for keeping me awake!!" He will open his eyes for one second in the middle of the night, and I will immediately say "hey, you know what I was thinking....?" His response, "no you freak, go to sleep!" hahahahaha!!!! I am hoping that I become a better sleeper- for may sake, and for Scott!
 Other than sleep- I have no complaints- not one! I am so excited about sweet baby boy 2!

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