Thursday, May 31, 2012

8 months and Name

Yep- I am 32 weeks pregnant- 8 months! We have decided on the name for our little boy...TRENT JOSEPH! We love names that kind of have a southern is my attempt to keep all of my kids in the South (Houston preferably!!) We almost named Hunter Trent, and we found ourselves always going back to that name. We are happy with our decision, and I can totally see myself with a TRENT! Joseph is Scott's Godfather's name and also my grandfather's middle name. My mom thought her dad "hung the moon." He was a very sharp, kind, handsome, 'with it' man- so we hope that the genes get passed along with the name ;-)!!

I feel wonderful! I dilated early with Hunter, so dr decided to check me at 30 weeks this time around. Good thing she did- I am already 1 cm dilated. She hooked me up to the contraction monitor and I was having way too many productive contractions. So, she decided to give me some magnesium to slow down labor.
 She said that my uterus is already near max capacity, therefore the baby is putting pressure on my cervix because there is limited space to grow and move. This too happened with Hunter, but my body didn't "know how to respond" to the cervical pressure since it was my first pregnancy. This time around, she is just being cautious in case my body takes the cervical pressure as a sign to go into labor since my body "understands" labor now? How amazing are our does it know?! She also gave me the shot to progress the growth of Trent's lungs in case he is born early.
She wants me to take it easy for 3 weeks (until I hit 35 weeks.) Take it easy- meaning....I can still do things, just try to limit lifting too much and watch the time on my feet to avoid too much cervical pressure. Se used the words "modified activity"- so I can do my normal activities, just change them a bit. Ex: sit when I fold laundry, sit when I do my hair, sit when I cook. At 35 weeks, I can start returning back to normal then at 36 weeks I can return to my normal busy bee self because she is fine with Trent coming anytime after 36 weeks. So, we are just playing it safe for a little while! All in all- things look great and we are very grateful!
 So we shall see what my body does...keep baking Trent! We got a contract on our house and set to close end of June!! The buyer has agreed that we can lease it back until August!! So, we can focus on Trent and mess with moving afterwards. However, we are already packing and slowly getting our stuff organized for the move. The whole process is falling into place and working out smoothly! Thank you GOD! We will still stay with Dad while work is getting done on the new house (which we close on in August.) So hopefully, we will be in our new house by the end of September! ;) Very exciting!

CRAZIEST baby bump picture!! This is my 8 month bump, and if you look can actually SEE TRENT! Look on my side- you can see his head down, his abdomen/back, his hip then his legs pointing back towards my belly button. My doctor could not get over this picture and asked that I email it to her!! You can see the actual size and outline of Trent! She said he is OUTSIDE my ribs and that is why you can see him so clearly! 

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