Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

Our last Easter as a family of 4! The weather is beautiful, and we are outside all the time! We always love when Scott gets long weekends. The past couple days have been filled with events at church and outside family time. Church had a Good Friday family service targeted towards young children, it was really nice. We headed to take pictures with the Easter bunny before church, that was a disaster. Hunter and Trent are terrified, seriously terrified of the Easter bunny. Trent had a full blown anxiety attack and Hunter was screaming and running away. The only way they would get remotely close was if they sat on my lap.

We are preparing for a big day tomorrow. Easter Sunday is hosted at our house. My family comes over in the morning for brunch and egg hunt, then Scott's family comes over for early dinner. It is a lot of cooking, egg hiding and preparing for me but I love having our house filled with noise, family, and kids!! My family always leaves their mark with 10 young kids and 9 adults (that is just my immediate family!) I load all 19 baskets with goodies and try to make the day as special as my mom used to! She loved Easter, and I try to carry on her traditions.

 I am treating myself to a manicure/pedicure today while Scott takes the boys to see their first movie. Scott is excited to have some guy time and experience their first movie. I am excited to have some pampering and quiet time before baby #3. Our 'nesting' is completely done!! We are ready when baby is ready. I can feel my body getting closer and closer. I am having regular contractions and they get worse at night. I contemplated going to the hospital the other night because the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart for 2 straight hours. They get more spaced out as I move around during the day. The doctor said, "it's going to be tricky to know when to come to the hospital since you have so many contractions." Ummm, thanks Doc for the reassurance, haha! That is my what point do I go?? I don't want to wait too long, but I don't want the inconvenience of false alarms. I am just going to trust my instincts and say lots of prayers!

All the cute clothes, Easter bunnies, eggs, and candy aside...we are beyond humbled by the blessings God has graced us with. The good and the bad, they are all blessings that have shaped us into who we are as a family and individuals. I love my boys more than words. Scott is the best dad and friend to our boys. His patience, love, gentleness, and energy continues to amaze me and are the traits that our boys will forever treasure. Baby #3, we are so ready to love on you!! Happy Easter to everyone!

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