Sunday, April 13, 2014

9 Months

36 weeks and still baking. It is always a relief to make it to this point of a pregnancy. This week provides the comfort of knowing that baby is fully developed and ready to come. It's a waiting game from this point on, and I LOVE the anticipation. This is my favorite part because you always wonder "is today the day??" Only God knows when this baby will make its debut, and I fully trust God's plan to bring this baby into the world in His perfect timing!
I go to the doctor weekly now. As of last week, I was 2 cm dilated and baby has dropped. I stayed like this with Trent for weeks, so my prediction is that I still have a couple of weeks to go. The doctor did a "fetal distress ultrasound" last week to make sure baby had enough room to continue to prosper. I told the doctor that I don't feel baby move that often...way less than Hunter and Trent. From the beginning this baby has moved way less and more gentle. This never caused any concern, but she wanted to make sure baby wasn't distressed by the size of my uterus. She closely watched baby's heart rate and breathing rate for a long time. She was reassured that all is going great and baby is growing at a steady pace. She will probably do an ultrasound weekly to check my fluid and make sure baby is still able to thrive.
 Cookies from my shower...Griffin Paul or Faith Ann??!

We are almost done nesting!!! All 3 carseats are in both cars, bags are packed, plans are made for the boys- such a great feeling! The nursery is pretty much a blank slate right now. I have linen bumper pads and got a gathered linen crib skirt made. I have plans for nursery ready to go. I already have boy and girl fabric picked out. I will order the fabric from the hospital bed!!! I am adding the fabric to the ties of the bumpers and to the bottom of the crib skirt. I am also doing curtains in the fabric. I have also reorganized cabinets, cleaned under beds, got new car tires, added mulch to flower beds, etc...all the nesting stuff that has nothing to do with a baby, haha- why do moms do that?!!
My friends hosted a baby shower for me. It was a "take a guess" shower. People either took a guess and brought a boy or girl gift (with receipt) or they played it safe with diapers!! Such a cute idea. It was so fun to see all the predictions and the reasons behind the prediction!! I wore pink AND blue to cover all bases!! I am so grateful for my friends and family that were part of my special shower- it made everything so much more "real" and exciting! I am loaded with diapers and have some new clothes ready to go! 
Scott and I have had busy weekends getting ready for baby, but we are very excited to be able to relax and enjoy these days with Hunter and Trent. Our evenings will be filled with "family of 4 activities"...playing outside, long baths, reading books, strolls around the neighborhood, and just enjoying being together before our family forever changes!!

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