Thursday, April 9, 2015

11 Months and Happy Easter

My newborn is 11 months old...eleven months! I still feel like she is my new baby! What happened?! Faith Ann had a wonderful first Easter. Our days filled with family, friends, church events and egg hunts. Other than really disliking the Easter bunny, here is what Faith Ann is up to at 11 months.
  •  3 teeth (2 bottom and one on the top is breaking through)
  • Still crawling in the sitting position like Trent did. It is so funny!
  • Loves to pull up on front and back door to look outside
  • Sleeps 7:30-7:00am
  • Nurses at 7am and usually falls back asleep until I wake her for the day (around 8:30)
  • Breastfeeding 3 times a day. Morning (7:00am) before nap (around 1:30) bedtime (7:30pm)
  • Eats lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. She usually eats what we are eating.
  • She doesn't eat breakfast yet. Her morning nursing keeps her happy until lunch.
  • Loves avocado, kiwi, mandarin oranges, pancakes, muffins, turkey. She pretty much likes every food except eggs and chicken
  • She talks in this "growling" voice that is hysterical! She knows it's funny, so she keeps doing it
  • Has the cutest wave hello/goodbye, looks like she is karate chopping
  • LOVES bath time! Scott puts all 3 in the bath, and they have a blast
  • Size 9-12 month clothes, some 12-18 month clothes- depends on brand
  • She does this squeal when she is trying to be "wild"
  • Loves to chase her brothers down the hallway
  • All kids nap 1:30-3:30ish. One Hunter's school days, they all nap 2:30-4:30
  • Gives big open mouth kisses
Faith Ann is so easy going. It may a 3rd child thing, but I'll take it! She has the most likeable disposition. She just accommodates and rolls with it. Her birthmark is looking a little lighter to me, it still covers most of her upper arm. It gets more red when she is hot. The doctor says that the fading process will really begin between 12 months and 3 years old. I don't even notice it anymore because it is just part of her. Every once and a while, someone will ask me about it. It's hard to capture in pictures because it's on the inside of her arm. All the elementary aged girls on our street say they wish they had a "Faith Ann mark" because they think she is so beautiful and it's cool that only she has that! One day, her birthmark will be a faint memory, but for now it is a mark that resembles uniqueness. It also is a mark that reflects this fast phase of life. It will be fading as the months and years pass while my baby also fades away into a toddler, then little girl, then teenager, then young adult! Ahhhh, having a baby just moves too fast! The days are long, but the years are short!
Easter! I love everything about Easter. It has always been my favorite holiday. It has such a simple, pure and joyful feel to it. My mom loved Easter, and I have hosted Easter ever since mom passed away. I very much feel moms presence during Easter time, especially as our family fills our home. Her children and grandchildren, most of which she never got the chance to meet. But her grandchildren filling our home makes my heart fill with her love. I can feel her so deeply, I can almost smell her and hear her! Faith Ann, your Zsa Zsa would ADMIRE you. She wraps her arms around you, and I pray that you always feel her presence.
I enjoy all the Easter traditions. We dyed Easter eggs in the driveway. The boys were covered in all the colors while Faith Ann cruised around in her walker. We went to the Good Friday church service, which was so sweet and educational for the children! Easter morning was great. Their Easter baskets were pretty simple, but they loved their tennis racquets. They hit the tennis ball way down the street for Bentley to chase after it. They have been using our racquets and dragging them on the concrete, so the Easter bunny decided they needed their own racquets to drag around! And Scott was so excited about the basketball the Easter bunny brought him. The Easter bunny also found rain boots at a garage sale down the street for Hunter. He has been wanting those particular ones because his friend George has them, so the Easter bunny about died when these were sitting there with a $1 sticker on them!
We host my family for brunch. This year was a little different because my dad got out of the hospital Easter morning, just in time for our gathering. Literally, my brother picked him up from hospital and came straight over! He gets severely dehydrated as a side effect from his kidney transplant 15 years ago. He is also more prone to urinary tract infections because of his transplant. Well, he got hit with both- dehydration and infection. He felt crummy and spent a few days in hospital. He got IV liquids and antibiotics. He feels much better. All par for the course of his health. We are grateful for each day and holiday that he is with us. My dad, Pardner, treats all of us to Easter baskets. I do all the shopping and work, but on behalf of my dad because he loves to spread grandparent love! Dad even has me buy Easter surprises for the adults. Preparing 15 Easter baskets is quiet the undertaking. I had to hide them all at my neighbors house. She is in her 80's and got a kick out of all those baskets in her dining room!
Anytime my family gets together, we usually end up playing some sort of outside game. Well, this Easter was baseball! Scott has all the equipment and bases from being Hunter's coach. So, we set up a baseball field in our front yard and had a blast! Trent rode his 4 wheeler for hours in circles around the 'baseball field!' Then, he quietly went and handed the pitcher a tennis ball and stood at the plate with his tennis racquet. Sure enough, he nailed that tennis ball and started running the bases! My sweet boy! Hunter loved showing his cousins everything he has learned, and he did great! He didn't even need the tee to hit the ball.
The egg hunt is always a hit. I coordinate the eggs so that each cousin gets a certain color. Scott hides the eggs age appropriately for each color, and the kids really had to hunt this year. It was so fun to watch! Faith Ann wore my first Easter dress, which was adorable. My mom would be in happy tears to see Faith Ann in the dress that she picked out for me on my first Easter. It is so sweet with these little rosebuds and lace. It fit her beautifully, and it even had a matching bonnet which made me laugh so hard. I have to say, I think she looks better with a bow! And this picture of me holding her cracks me up! Look closely at her little hand...hahaha! Sweet pretty girl sending us an ugly message, but she still looks precious! This picture is a laugh out loud favorite!
Then we headed out the Woodlands to visit with Scott's family. Macy, Scott's sister, hosted a wonderful dinner. The kids have one special cousin, Kinsley, on that side of the family. It is a much more quiet gathering. It is so fun for our kids to experience all types of fun and laughter in one day! Macy, Drew and Kinsley are moving to the Virgin Islands soon. So, this was her last holiday to host at their house. It is bittersweet to see them go! The kids love growing with Kinsley, and I always enjoy visiting with Macy! They will be missed, but we do look forward to a long vacation in the Virgin Islands one day!
The rest of the holiday weekend was filled with the usual...playing outside and family time. Of course, the games in the ditch is a daily thing! The kids built this lovely fort in our ditch. Good thing we don't live in River Oaks because I am sure that our daily front yard shenanigans would not be appreciated, haha. I love our neighborhood, our street our friends....this is what life is about! This picture of Hunter just makes me smile, he is just such a big boy. He is something else. Love him! We had a wonderful Easter. Happy 11 months to Faith Ann, and happy 1st Easter to my sweet baby girl! 

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