Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy New Year

Hello 2016! 2015 was one to remember. I want to document 2015 as the year of simplicity! I didn't overcrowd schedules, I wasn't rushed, I didn't worry about "keeping up" with everyone else! I just focused on my family, simple pleasures, basic root living...and it was amazing and character defining! I am keeping simplicity as a priority! I'm not huge on new years resolutions. I just like to consciously refocus on the things that matter most. Health, which I am having a blast leading my workout groups and continuing American Ninja Warrior training. Family, which I am choosing to slow down and genuinely hug, embrace and listen to my sweet children. They have such wonderful things to say, their view of the world is so refreshing! Scott, my sweet hubby is my rock! He lets me "be me!" He never holds me back from my adventures, but he lifts me up and makes life fun! I have so much to be grateful for now and forever!
We went to my brothers lake house for New Years Eve. Fireworks, family, and food! The kids had a blast running all over the place. I was on eggshells with my babies near water late at night! I still had fun, but my guard was UP the entire night!
Hunter has his first ninja competition tomorrow!!! He is beyond excited, and we have been training!! He loves the 'mini ninja' classes, and he is a natural for sure! His spirit is so precious. He has never said "I can't!" He dives in and gives 100%. He ambition is admirable! And this priceless picture of him practicing the "spider wall" is admirable. Love this guy, and I love his big goals! Hunter wanted to take a picture of me doing the spider wall in our kitchen! Spider wall and ninja is always on his mind, and I am quick to follow his lead!
Scott's 33rd birthday was on Jan 7th. He wanted an adventurous date night. He said he didn't want to the whole "dinner thing!" So, what do I suggest?? Ninja date, of course! We went to Sam Sann's American Ninja Warrior training class, and we had a BLAST!!! Scott has a whole new level of appreciation. We had such a memorable time. Best date night! Scott instantly became friends with everyone, challenged himself, and said it wasn't so bad watching his wife do obstacles, ha! Boys will be boys! He was sore for days, ripped his hand, but strangely enough wants to go back! Successful birthday! Speaking of sweet Zoe turns 10 on the 31st! TEN! My first fur baby. I love this precious dog more than words!
Faith Ann is busy being a diva! She had her friend, Blake over. They look so much alike and live close by. They will be in the same grade at the same schools. So, they will grow up together and one day will laugh at these pictures!!! And yep, that is Faith Ann eating Bentley's ear...more proof that labs are the most amazing dogs!
My boys!!! Ahhh, they continue to be inseparable! More than ever. Their friendship is beyond anything I could have ever imagined for my children! They love their sister way too much! The other day, Faith Ann was standing on me. I told her to get off my leg. She didn't. So, I gently pushed her aside. She cried and thought the world was ending. So, of course, Hunter lays on the ground and says "oh precious baby sissy, you can stand on me!" Ummmmmm, please! She has us wrapped around her finger! 2016 has started off great! I have a feeling that we will continue to grow, laugh, love and enjoy the adventures yet to come!

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