Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January Wrap Up

I just transferred my pictures from my phone, and I realized how fast January went! We had a fun month, so I will wrap it up for you in pictures!! Hunter's first ninja competition was so memorable. He is awesome. Truly, there is no quit in his ninja game. He is a little fighter and would NOT let go. Many kids couldn't figure out an obstacle and would just let go (totally expected for kids,) but Hunter would tighten his grip and figure it out! People were just shocked at his tenacity! The guys I work out with were there, and one said "I can tell he is your boy...tiny but tough as nails and sure as hell will never quit!" That is a trait that I am honored to pass down to Hunter. He made us very proud, and he was over the moon! He was beaming with joy, confidence, pride and happiness! Ninja is totally his knack! I mean, this kid held himself in the spiderwall with his FINGERTIPS! That is crazy! Do you know how hard that is? He is at full extension, holding himself up with the very tips of those tiny fingers, amazing!
He was stuck on the cargo net and wouldn't give up. People started laughing because they were amazed at his determination. Hunter's face got red and he looked at me like he wanted to quit. But I said, "you got this, do it your own way, keep trying your hardest!" And sure enough...that boy got creative and figured it out! Everyone cheered as he bolted up the warped wall! After the course, Hunter said he got embarrassed because he thought people were laughing at him. I explained that people were laughing because they were so proud of his fight! But, that is what made me most proud...a little 5 year old, in a huge gym full of people, everyone quiet and watching Hunter, he gets stuck for a long time, embarrassed, and he still did not quit! His strong character really shined. It was amazing to see such will power and focus. His balance is off the charts, his grip strength is insane, and his ability to control his body is just amazing to watch! Way to go Hunter! I know there will be many more competitions!
I found my prom dress the other day while going through my closet. I put it on, Scott and I had a little prom reenactment. Prom pose 15 years later!! And can you believe my parents let me wear a completely backless dress to prom!!? Hunter and Trent said, "mommy, looks like you could swim in the sea!" Ha! Scott agreed that I kind of look like a mermaid, but I just loved this dress. Scott and I danced "prom style!" The kids thought this was hilarious, and I still think it is a pretty dress!
Some pictures of our day to day life...driving around with these 3 side by side always gives me a smile. I love looking in my backseat and seeing these faces!! Trent and Faith Ann love to sit at Hunter's bus stop. They anxiously await the bus to turn the corner! Trent and Faith Ann and I took lunch to Hunter at school. Rummel Creek has been rebuilt, and it is gorgeous! Ally and Hunter eat lunch at the same time, so Ally joined us. Blessings all around!
Speaking of Ally...she had me lead her birthday party! 10 years old!!! She and a friend shared a party, and they wanted an "American Ninja Warrior" birthday party. So, I created obstacles at the park. It was SO fun. The girls had a blast. I was honored that she asked me to do this!! All the girls called me "Aunt Brandi," so sweet! They all wore tube socks and had a blast. I set up relay races...pulling tires, push ups, pull ups, and so much more! It was awesome fun! My dad continues to make regular visits over here in the afternoons. He stops by, watches the kids play outside, and always brings them a lolipop! He just had his 73rd birthday (on Jan 20th.) He came over for James Coney Island and story time. Our kids adore Pardner! And yes, Faith Ann is becoming more frilly by the day! She is such a hoot!
The weather has been so beautiful!! So we have really enjoyed the sunshine. Tennis with the neighborhood kids and lots of outdoor adventures! My children have been so exposed to the "ninja world" that they see the world through ninja eyes! They see a board, and it becomes a "cliff hanger obstacle." Even Faith Ann does this stuff! She was opening the door at Hunter's basketball game the other day and used the door handle as a pull up bar. She had great form and made me laugh! Hunter is playing basketball for the first time. He is on a team with all the boys from his class, and he is really enjoying it. He is good at dribbling and he is amazing at passing the ball efficiently, both important skills! Here is a picture of him taking a shot.
All of the kids in the neighborhood think my ninja journey is just about the coolest thing in the world. So, I often load my car with kids and head to the ninja gym! I love having a hobby that brings people together! Ninja is such a supportive, challenging, fun and uplifting sport! I love that I get to share memories with so many special people. It is bringing people together in our community that is just amazing! My nephew Jim is obsessed with ninja! His Christmas present from me was a ninja training class and a one-on-one session with Sam Sann....Jim was ecstatic! Priceless memories!
Scott took Trent to "Monster Jam" the other day. Monster trucks do tricks and crush cars! Trent is obsessed with anything you can drive...planes, trucks, race cars, boats, motor bikes, 4 wheelers, motorcycles! Kind of a mothers nightmare! But, he totally digs it! Scott said he had a blast and was in complete awe! He hasn't stopped talking about it! I just know dirt bikes (and other vehicles that make me nervous) are in my future with Trent! Scott also took both boys to the boat show a couple weeks ago. A total guy outing! They held baby alligators, saw tons of fish and boats! They also had fun bungee things for them to play/jump on. I love that Scott creates such wonderful memories with our kids! Here is a sweet picture of  Hunter and Faith Ann eating dinner while Trent was at Monster Jam. These boys adore Faith Ann! Well, that is a wrap for January!

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