Friday, February 19, 2016

Hunter the Bike Rider and Valentines

Yep, Hunter is a bike rider! He learned to ride his bike on Valentines Day, 5 years old. Scott and I never pushed him to ride his bike, he actually has only touched a bike a handful of times. On Valentines Day, he randomly said "okay, I want to try it!" Scott ran behind him a few times, then he was off!! He rode his bike (with me running right beside) all the way to Beau and Kate's house! His cousin, Jake, was so proud that he got it all on video! Of course, Trent wanted to follow suit. So, Scott has been working with him too. Trent is AMAZING on his balance bike. That boy won't be long before they are off on their bikes together!
Valentines was wonderful! We enjoyed the class parties and festivities. I was in charge of Hunter's class party, and Hunter was SO proud of that! I just love my babies! They are so beautiful on the inside and out. Hunter continues to be energetic, joyful and full of life. Trent is laid back, content, chill and cool! Faith Ann is still diva, hilarious and spunky! They are a great blend and balance!
Trent is doing great in school. His teacher says that he is so quick to catch on to things. He is always the first to want to answer, lead the group and ask questions. I am so proud that he comes out of his shell, yet is still reserved and independent! He is my dude. He is my bud! And my favorite part of the day is when Trent and I cuddle before his nap. Hunter is at school, Faith Ann is already laying it's just me and Trent! I enjoy this time so much! We cuddle and watch some TV, then he takes a nap until Hunter gets home.
Faith Ann....this girl! She is a hoot! She just had her first bout of throwing up the other night. It was fast and furious. A few hours of intense throw up, then was gone! She was bright eyes and bushy tailed the next morning! I was sleeping on her floor all night, so I wasn't so bright eyed! Gotta love a kids bounce back. It didn't slow her down. She is as spunky and feisty as ever! The other side of her is sweet, playful and and frilly. She LOVES her beaded necklaces, all the time!
Most of the time I workout early in the morning before the kids wake or late at night after the kids go to sleep. However, I also incorporate the kids while I workout during the day. Pull ups on monkey bars, push up headstands, plank walks in my front ditch, the list goes on. Well, let me tell watch us! We, as parents, have such an impact on our kids little minds. The other day, we were all playing outside, I turn around and see Faith Ann doing push ups and planks!!! All on her own. Yes, she was naked which makes it so much cuter! The video of this is adorable, you can hear her grunting as she is doing push ups. And she has great form too!
Speaking of outdoor play, this was my view the other day while I was cooking dinner. I have no clue what they were doing, but they invented some game that entertained them for hours. Bouncing off the trampoline, jump over the car! Haha! These boys love the outdoors! They do come inside from time to time...we made Valentine cookies for their teachers, which they enjoyed!

Scott and I got to enjoy a lot of alone time this Valentines. We had a neighborhood party that we got to get all dressed up for. Scott's dad sat at our house while we stayed out past midnight! We are really getting to know a lot of other young couples in the neighborhood, and we are enjoying making friends! Then, on Valentines Day, Scott and I went rock climbing. It was AMAZING! We had a blast. I could have stayed for hours. I love that Scott comes up with adventurous dates! That is way more my style. Fancy dinners and flowers are not for me...but rock climbing and Mexican food makes me a happy camper! After rock climbing, the whole family went to Escalantes for Mexican food! Great day!
One last note for me to remember...I made it on top of the warped wall! Finally! The wall on the show is 14 feet. This wall is 14.6. That 6 extra inches is a real challenge. I haven't worked much on this wall, but I dedicated 2 weeks to leg power training. I was so close for days...then, I finally made it!! It felt great to have hard work pay off! Now, I just gotta get consistent at this dang warped wall! Remember kiddos, never fear failure! Take chances, and give it all you got!

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