Thursday, January 5, 2017

Merry Christmas 2016

What a memorable Christmas! The kids are at amazing ages to enjoy the innocence and true bliss of Christmas! For the first year ever, we had no tears at our Santa visit. Trent had so much to say to Santa, it was adorable. Faith Ann was quiet but confident, and Hunter was gitty! Trent talked about wanting his dirt bike, and he told Santa that Faith Ann wanted a bike. A pink and purple one! And Hunter was explaining to Santa what a climbing dome is. He wanted to be sure Santa understood what to bring every detail of a climbing dome! ha!
Faith Ann is hilarious at posing these days. She is so sassy in her pictures, and it cracks us up. She looked adorable all month in her festive wear. She was proud to strike a pose every time a camera came out!
Scott took 2 weeks off of work, which was amazing!!!! And the cute clothes went out the window, and the kids wore Houston Texan jerseys the rest of the month! Faith Ann still struck her pose, and Scott ate her up every second. He adores her way too much. She has fully blossomed into a child...a confident, funny, sincere, brave and happy child! She keeps me smiling for sure!
The boys had off 2 weeks, and they played outside for HOURS a day. Hunter wants to be an author when he grows up, and he decided to write another book over the break. The title is "Look," and page one is...."I can see a butt!" Oh my, I am so proud of him, haha! Speaking of being silly, I was in a ninja competition a few days before Christmas. It was just for fun and it was outside  (very cold and windy!) So, I decided to end the year with FUN and dress in Christmas gear for the competition. I love that my children get to see me enjoy what I do. My hobby has progressed and become my "job" to train people and lead classes, and I just love that my children watch me love every second of it! And the sweet ladies I train all joined together to surprise me with an Apple watch, I was so excited and honored!
The kids spent countless hours under the Christmas tree. We ate lots of our dinners on the floor, under the tree. They read books, watched TV, and told stories under the tree all month! What a sight to see! This sight brought the spirit of Christmas alive in my heart. Children, simple moments, being grateful, celebrating life and embracing the blessings God has given us!
 My entire family comes over to our house Christmas Eve. In the morning, we open all the gifts from my dad. These are the gifts that I shop all year long for. It is so fun to watch everyone open the gifts. The girls all say that it is the best shopping spree of the year, I love buying them clothes that they look forward to wearing! The boys always get their fill of workout clothes and stuff for their hobbies! Then, my moms brother (Uncle Jim) and his family come over for gumbo lunch. We usually play some kind of game, and this year it was "poop the orange!" Team relay races of jumping with an orange between your legs and squatting the orange into the bucket. Great laughs and wonderful memories!
My favorite picture of Christmas is when Faith Ann opened her bike from Parder! My dad was just as surprised as she was. It was a wonderful moment! My dad threw his arms up in joy, the boys were over joyed and Faith Ann was beaming. Such a happy moment that we captured! My dad loves this day because it is a way that he gets to spoil our family and honor my mom as we continue her traditions. My dad is one of a kind! 
Then, we headed to Christmas Eve service. It was so crowded, which was great to see so many people honor the Lord. We had to sit on the floor. We sat in awe of the music, service and community. The kids sat on our lap the entire time and did wonderful. Then back to home to get ready for Santa. They opened their gifts from me and Scott (new pajamas and a book.) So, they got in their new loot and put out milk and cookies for Santa! 
Then, the elves were busy preparing for Christmas morning. We had to bounce from garage to garage to get all their loot. Santa brings 3 gifts per kid. Jesus was given 3 gifts the day he was born, so it is a nice way to keep Jesus at the forefront and avoid over-materializing the holiday. Hunter got his tablet, climbing dome (which took Scott 2 days to build!), and finger puppets that he wanted! Trent got an electric dirt bike, tackle buddy, and remote control race car. Faith Ann got a Barbie electric Jeep, fishing pole, and books. The morning was filled with JOY! Christmas day was filled with Scott building the climbing dome, Trent riding his dirt bike in the easement at the end of our street, he is OBSESSED!Faith Ann running behind everyone and trying to keep up! It was an amazing Christmas. It was the best Christmas season to date. We embraced the moment and enjoyed this Christmas season!

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