Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fall Miscellaneous

Scott and I got away for a 3 day weekend with some of our favorite people...the Debenports. They live a street over, and our boys have been on the same baseball team in the past. We just really love spending time with them, so we headed to Gruene Hall with them...just the 4 of us. No kids! What an awesome weekend! We spent 2 days floating the rivers and lots of yummy meals and drinks! We laughed, danced and laughed some more!!!! We went to Gruene Hall one night and acted like teenagers. SO much fun! Scott's mom came to stay at our house to watch the kids, which we are so grateful for. They had a great weekend too!

The kids are loving school.  Hunter is having a harder time in 3rd grade than he expected. This is the first year that it has felt like "actual school" to him. More homework, harder material, more serious reading. So, he is adjusting, but enjoying it very much. I have hired Tess, our 5th grade neighbor, to help Hunter. She comes over to help him become more independent in doing his work and creating systems to stay organized. This is working out awesome because Hunter feels "cool," and Tess has her first little job!!

I got a new bike and I LOVE it!!! We ride our bikes to school a few times a week, and the kids love "bike days." It has to be one of my favorite times as a mother...riding our bikes to school. I stay behind them and watch them ride with their backpacks on. Such big kids, but still my babies. I thank God every time I get the opportunity to brand this image in my memory forever.

We have snuck in a few ice cream trips before bed just to enjoy life! We know life goes fast, and these pictures of my dad remind me of that. I came across these pictures and wanted to put them in this book as a reminder that he is still with us. He laugh, his gentle spirit, his relaxed presence...he is forever in our hearts. My kids miss him and talk about Pardner daily. Seeing these pictures with my boys melts my heart. As time ticks by....I continue to miss my dad!

Zoe and Bentley are getting older and more frail too. Zoe is 13 years old and having a hard time sleeping through the night without needing a few potty breaks!! Bentley is 11 and deaf. So, we are enjoying our days with them as age takes over. On a brighter note....our church celebrated the 3rd graders by presenting them with Bibles. Hunter was stoked to get his own Bible. I look forward to digging into it! I have started reading a Bible verse every morning to the kids before school. We recite it and hope to memorize one Bible verse a week. The kids have loved this!

A tropical storm washed though town and flooded many parts of Houston. The kids got a day off school, and we headed to Bahama Bucks for snow cones with cousin Jake! I'm also brewing up an idea for Spring Break. It involves a long road trip and an RV!!! We went to try out the RV, and the kids loved it. Scott approved my idea, so I continue to plan. More to come on that one!!! We are truckin' along this lovely Fall season!

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