Friday, October 25, 2019

Teeth and Long Weekends

Trent now has a top and bottom expander. He goes to the same orthodontist I went to as a little kid!! Trent jokes that his expander is working too good because his teeth are dropping like hot cakes! He lost 3 teeth in just a couple days...2 of them in the same day! He had snaggle tooth in the front, and it was hilarious! Then, a couple days later, he lost 2 more and officially has a huge gap! However, his adult teeth were close behind. His big teeth are already growing in!

We had a Friday and Monday off of school! Such a treat to have a long weekend. We had commitments with games, but decided to skip town on Friday and head to Kemah Boardwalk! Just me and the kids! We jumped in the car while it was pouring rain and went on an adventure. The usual 1 hour drive turned into 2 hours because I stopped at a random Denny's restaurant along the way...the rain was SO bad. I couldn't see. The radar said the rain would I trusted technology and hoped for the best! 

The rain cleared enough for me to finish the drive. We were the ONLY ones on Kemah Boardwalk. I wasn't sure if they were open. So, we walked into a restaurant for an early lunch. Yes, they were open and the rides would open as soon as weather clearance was approved. The temperature dropped a ton over lunch. The wind really picked up too. We were laughing that we got ourselves in this situation, but decided to make the most of it!

A couple more people showed up, and we had the entire boardwalk to ourselves. A couple rides were closed because of the wind. But, the boardwalk workers followed us around and opened whatever ride we wanted. It was like our own personal, private day in Kemah. It was perfection....wind aside. Hahah!! The kids had a blast!! Such a memorable day!

We stayed for many hours, then bought hot chocolate for the ride home! We warmed up and Gigi met us at home to babysit that night. Scott and I went to ShinyRibs concert with some friends. What an amazing concert. The performance was on point!! We had a great time. Then, Gigi spent the night and tagged along for all the kids games the next day!
My brother, Beau, and I snuck off for a late birthday lunch. His birthday is in we enjoyed a spontaneous lunch alone! What a treat! The weather is gorgeous, so I enjoyed the sunshine by taking the kids lunch to school. We ate outside! I don't take them lunch often, so it's a real treat when I do. I get alone time with each of them, with their lunch times back to back. I sit and listen as they talk their hearts out. So special! 
Fall is moving along! The kids are growing each day and will soon pass me up in size. But, for now, they are my little pumpkins posing in a pumpkin patch. And I will fiercely treasure these days. I'm making the most of these moments. So grateful! 

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