Monday, October 19, 2020

Hunter's 10th Birthday!!

Hunter is TEN!!!! September 13, my first baby made double digits. With Covid still ruining all our plans....we kept his birthday simple. His friend, Charlie, has the same birthday. They are on the same football team. So, we surprised them with birthday donuts after the game to kick off their big day!

We had a small group of boys come to our apartment for a FUN party. We went to the park to play kickball, basketball, piƱata!! They got super sweaty and had a blast. We walked to the apartment pool to swim for hours. I ordered pizza and the boys were having such a great time. 

They played games, laughed and acted like such big boys. Hunter doesn't love cake, so he wanted monkey bread as his birthday cake. So cute!!! I made a buffet of monkey bread, and Hunter was a happy boy. We sang Happy Birthday and ate piles of monkey bread. It was delicious and so unique. 

Then, we just had a couple of the boys spend the night. They made the biggest fort and slept in it!! We woke up to more monkey bread and decorations. He was excited to open his gifts. We got him a pop-a-shot basketball thing for the house. And a basketball jersey picture to hang in his new room!

But, I think his favorite gift was his very own checking account!!! I told him to save money, and I would match that amount on his 10th birthday. Then, we would go open his own bank account. It was such a cute process, a real learning experience. He will never forget his first checking account on his 10th birthday. He saved $100. So, I matched it and he opened up his account with $200!! Not bad for a 10 year old! Such great memories. Big milestones and one amazing, kind, joyful TEN year old boy! We love you, Hunter!

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