Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1 month

Hunter is 1 MONTH OLD! Before we know it, Scott and I will be in our driveway waving to him as he drives off to college (LSU, of course!!!) Scott and I are really loving our new life as we seem to be falling into a routine. Scott is a very hands on Dad and a wonderful husband. I am enjoying my new job as mom! However, my new 8 lb. boss is pretty demanding- but also so stinkin' cute! Hunter is almost making it through the entire night, and I am starting to get many hours of needed "straight sleep!"

I have 2 stories for you from this week:

Story #1: Flipper!!
Scott and I are getting used to Hunter the "Grunter!" In fact, I don't think I even hear it anymore;) So, right when we think that we can handle the grunting.....we meet FLIPPER! Hunter has a new noise that Scott and I refer to as Flipper because he sounds exactly like Flipper the Dolphin!!! Usually, Flipper is "pre-grunt." There is no purpose for Flipper...Hunter is not in pain, not uncomfortable, not hungry, etc! He just wants to be "unique!" I will say...Flipper is not annoying, it is actually really cute and funny! Flipper along with grunting has resulted in Scott and I turning the monitor OFF at night! Let's hope these sounds dwindle away- or he will never have a girlfriend!!

Story #2: "Man, motherhood is intense!"
So, before Scott and I learned it was best to turn the monitor off...we had a disastrous night! A night full of window shattering grunting, Flipper, tons of dirty diapers, and a squirmy eater that wasn't "latching" on...all of this led me to have a moment of thought- "I can see why some Mothers go crazy!" So, at 2 am I yell, "SCOOOOTT, come here!" Scott flies around the corner like Krammer enters Jerry's apartment on Sienfeld and says, "WHAT?" I say, "I am DONE for the night! You figure everything out and don't wake me up!!" So, next thing I know...I wake up at 7:30 to a silent house. My first thought, "Oh no, who died!" My second thought, "Wow, Scott did it-all on his own!!" I open the bedroom door and it truly looks like a tornado blew through the house. There are pillows everywhere, blankets on the floor, Hunters swings and chairs all over, dirty diapers left on the changing table. Scott is sound asleep on the couch with Hunter the Grunter sleeping in his bouncy chair! I shake Scott and say, "What in the world happened here?" Scott says in a very sleepy voice with one eye open, "Man, Motherhood is intense!!"

Scott and I are truly having the "time of our lives!" We have never laughed so hard together, problem solved together, or loved each other as much as we do now! Needless to say, we have learned the true meaning and value of life and we don't take one tiny detail for granted....we are so blessed!

One day! Hard to believe that one day Hunter's sweet little hand will be like his daddy's!!
Pumpkin Patch fun!!
I had to buy Hunter's costume from PetsMart because he is such a little guy! So, my choices were limited...either a pumpkin or a "Biker Dog"!! Must say...he was the cutest pumpkin in the pumpkin patch!

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