Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hunter is now 3 weeks old, he is a fabulous baby! We have established a schedule and we try our hardest to stick to it. He loves a his momma! However, it is VERY easy to get off when we have to do 3 diaper changes in one session!! I think Hunter is ready for feedings every 4 hours (as compared to every 3). We will slowly make that transition! He is growing at a "incomparable rate" according to the doctor. He is already almost 2 lbs. over his birth weight. She thinks he will level off soon, let's hope or else I will have some seriously strong arms!

The question I get asked the most...How is motherhood? My answer has been "80/20!!" Meaning, 80% is wonderful and priceless while 20% makes me wonder, "why did we do this?!" Here is the breakdown of the 80/20, and sums up pretty much how our life is going right now:

His little hands, priceless smile, when his eyes focus on your face, soft skin, when he sleeps on my chest, watching Hunter and Scott together, always having someone to talk to, his perfect lips, his endless trust in me, watching his hilarious face expressions, 'some' of his funny noises, makes me feel like I have met my true purpose in life, I feel closer to my mom than ever, his ability to stay wide awake and happy while entertaining himself!, practicing patience, our walks, envisioning his future, the calmness he makes me feel, he is a very independent fella, dressing his cute little body, his precious yawn, big eyes like his daddy, his long arms, me and Scott's true teamwork, our delicious dinners (still being brought by our friends,) our pediatrician, he hardly cries, the ability to "just be with him!", the feeling of giving/receiving unconditional love, going through this experience with many of my girlfriends that also have babies the same age (boys too,) the silence during midnight feedings (alone with my Angel and our prayers!), and best of all...Being a MOM!

20%...What did we get ourselves into!!
His GRUNTING, I'm always responsible for feeding (when can they pour their own cereal?), change his diaper-then, oops, change again and again in 5 minutes!, constantly having to think about 'time,' no longer 'in charge' of my own days/errands, less "Brandi/Scott" time, our LONG burping sessions in the middle of the night, my hands always seem FULL, getting peed on every diaper change!, the days fly by, spit up, pee, poo, snotty bugers, and most annoying of all, again...his grunting!

I know the percentages are going to change with each phase of life...I also know that "You don't appreciate the good times unless you experience the bad times!" So, this is all part of our journey...the good, the bad, the smelly, the cute and the ugly...and I am LOVING every second!!!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a beautiful baby boy! I can't wait to meet him! I enjoy your blog so much! Keep those oics posted!
