Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hunter the "Grunter!!"

Hunter is now 2 weeks old, and changing daily! He is still not a crier (thank goodness) but he is a MAJOR GRUNTER! Scott and I laugh during the day...but not too funny at night! It sounds like we have a pet pig. The pediatrician says, "Some babies are just is a phase!" So, we will continue to try to laugh it off until he gets "over this." He's hungry- he grunts...he's sleepy-he grunts...he's bored-he grunts! And may I add- he grunts loud;)

We are trying to get Hunter on a schedule, we'll see how that goes! He eats like clockwork...every 3-4 hours. During the day, he sleeps for about 2 hours then is awake and observant for a little while then he is ready to eat. The cycle starts over again!! During the night, he sleeps straight through between does he wake me up?? You guessed it...he GRUNTS!

The past few nights he has struggled to get to sleep after his last feeding of the day. Usually, he falls right asleep after eating...but for some reason he fights sleep after his 10:30pm feeding? Scott and I take turns rocking and holding him for about an hour before he falls asleep! Once he is asleep- he is "out" for the night...again, thank goodness!

The pediatrician says, "If his arms, legs, fingers, and toes are an indication of the are going to have a big boy on your hands!!" Scott and I laugh at how long his arms are. He looks like our "little monkey!" He is continuing to pack on the pounds. The pediatrician says, "his rate of growth is off the charts!" So, we may have a "Scott Junior!!" Or, he may "level off." We shall see? We have mostly shorter/average genes in our families, it will be interesting to watch. Either way, we love him SO SO much and love to laugh at his facial expressions and noises!

Hunter is continuing to love his walks with mommy! He sleeps like a rock for the entire 3-5 miles...the outside totally relaxes him! Then, when daddy gets home...Hunter becomes a major "snuggle bug!" Scott won't put him down. They spent time alone in the "mancave" last night...Scott said, "We really bonded in the mancave!!" I guess I won't ask questions and accept that it is a "guy thing!!"

Hunter has already had a few outings. We went to church last Sunday...he did great (except for the 3 loud grunts during prayer!) He has been to Einstein Bagel shop to sit on the patio in the gorgeous weather! He has also run a few errands with mommy...he has no clue how busy I am going to keep him!! Well, I guess I have no clue how busy he is going to keep me;)!!!!!

**Cheers to you all...I am off to a "girls night out" while Scott babysits!! Whoo-hooo!!!!! My first ice cold Corona with a lime is calling my name!!!**

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