Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hunter's "New Life!"

Hunter is now 5 days old, and he has already experienced a lot for just a "little guy!" He has met so many new people....we have wonderful family and friends! Hunter is so is truly touching to know how many people "love him to pieces!" Scott and I are so fortunate to have you all support us and want to be a part of Hunter's life!

Hunter is a big eater, and he may not stay "a little peanut" for long! He sleeps through the night...we have to wake him for feedings and diaper changes (let's hope this continues!!!!!!!!) He is also VERY alert. He will sit with his eyes open for 30 minutes just absorbing his surroundings. The pediatrician says that he is a "very strong fella!" He can hold his head up by himself for a couple of seconds!! I love just holding him and watching every facial expression, and Scott loves laying down with him on his chest....we have both really bonded with Hunter! Scott has taken this week off of work and he says, "I could really get used to this!!" He has loved getting to know Hunter. And YES, Scott does most diaper changes, burping sessions, and is the swaddling CHAMP!

Hunter has already gotten to know one of "Mommy's Favorite" things and one of "Daddy's Favorite" things....taking a walk (Mom) and LSU football (Dad). We enjoyed our first, of many, family walks around the neighborhood. I love walking, so Hunter better get used to his "stroller time!" Of course, LSU game day was a big deal to Scott. He picked out Hunter's outfit for his first LSU game! It was precious to watch Scott and Hunter, in their yellow and purple, laying down with each other watching "the game!" I absolutely love "MY BOYS!!!!" I have fallen more in love with Scott and appreciate him on a whole new level;) He is "one of a kind!"


  1. LOVE the picture of Hunter on Scott's chest!! The first I've seen with his eyes open! So glad all is going well for you. See you in a few weeks.

  2. Brandi!!!! It has been SOO LONG! The last time I saw you was like 3 years ago at Hobby Lobby and it had been forever before that. I am so glad to have found your FB and blog. Congrats Mama, he is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! You will love motherhood, it has been everything and more to me {cooking up baby 3 now!}. Keep in touch woman and I will definitely be following your blog about little man!
