Thursday, December 16, 2010

3 months

WHAT...3 months old!? Time is going by so fast and Hunter is growing like a weed. He is a pretty laid back, easy going baby...especially when he is in his "magic green chair!" We have a bouncer/vibrating chair that puts Hunter in the best mood ever!! All of my friends know this, so they always make sure there are batteries in their bouncer chairs for when we visit...however, I usually travel with the magic green chair! When I know I am going to be at someones house for more than an hour....I never leave home without the chair! In fact, I started to feel embarrassed to send out pictures because he was always in the magic green I started putting blankets over the chair! What can I say...he LOVES his chair! He can be in the middle of a crazy scream cry, then absolute silence once his little bottom hits that magic green chair! I hope this chair still works when he is 15....hehehe!

The chair is Scott's answer to everything!! It's time for us to eat dinner...put Hunter in the magic green chair. I need to take a shower...put him in the chair. Let's go sit outside....put him in the chair. Hunter is getting antsy...put him in the chair. Let's watch our favorite show...put him the chair. Let's take a picture of Hunter...put him in the chair. Hunter woke up early and we don't want to get out of bed...put him the chair!! As you can see....the Magic green chair is the most amazing thing ever! To all you readers, either buy yourself or someone you know the magic green chair- it is the gift that keeps on giving!!

Hunter is so in love with our Christmas tree. We are thinking about keeping it year around;)!! We put the magic green chair in front of the tree and you can literally hear Hunter laughing across the house. He thinks the lights are hysterical! Hunter has the best laugh and biggest smile. His whole body smiles when he is happy....arms up by his face, legs straightened and eyes squinting! After our morning feeding, I always read him "Wheels on the Bus." When I just touch the book, Hunter starts laughing and gets so excited! His favorite part is the "wipers on the bus go swish swish swish!" I use Zoe's paws and do the hand motions....Hunter gets tears in his eyes he laughs so hard! He also has full out conversations. He is a loud talker! Scott says, "I KNOW he didn't get that from me!" I know what he's implying;)!! It is hilarious to listen to Hunter talk. He will ramble for 5 minutes and pause here and there for you to talk back. His eyes get real big when his voice gets louder. He will talk himself until he is out of breath! He is so expressive...this is going to get more and more fun! He was the only boy invited to our annual "Girls Xmas Party," and he loved the attention!               

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