Saturday, May 7, 2011

Surgery Success!!

Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers. Hunter's surgery went great! He is one tough cookie! He has bounced back from the surgery, and he hasn't skipped a beat! Surgery was Friday morning at 7:00. We had to get there very early, which we were nervous about because we REALLY did not want to wake Hunter up. He had been fasting so we knew he is going to be HUNGRY when he woke. So, we SLOWLY transitioned him (at 5:00am) from crib to car seat. Scott had to do everything, because as soon as I touch him....he thinks FOOD! Anyways, the plan worked smooth as butter! He woke up at 7:15...literally the exact minute the doctor came to get him! He looked so confused when he woke up, it was hilarious!! The anesthesiologist talked with Scott and I for a long time, so we felt very comfortable with the process. He was only 'under' for about 20 minutes! The entire surgery from entry to exit was 45 minutes.The surgeon was able to remove the "core" of the ear skin tag, so there will be no regrowth's in the future and we will not have to worry about the "core" effecting his ear drum.

I couldn't have planned it better....thank you God....we got to see Hunter right at 8:00. This was great because Hunter usually eats at 8:00. So, he immediately calmed down because I got to feed him, which made waking up from surgery a little easier. The ride home was NOT fun! He was scared, uncomfortable, tired...I'm sure he felt awful. He cried, screamed, moaned, and panted. Scott did a great job at staying calm while driving...the tension in the car was insane....partially because Hunter's reaction and partially because I was trying to sing over the crying ;-) Here is Hunter's face on the way home...
 Hunter quickly calmed down once we got him home and gave him his prescription of hydrocodone...a whopping 1 ML!! I was nervous to give it to him, but I was SURE it was the right thing to do! I also busted out the "baby lamb swing." That swing brought him so much comfort the first few months of his life...I thought that I would try it out! Even though his head and feet hung over the edge, and the swing motor was making a loud clicking sound due to weight limit...we had success! He was sound asleep for 3 hours!

Hunter's recovery consisted of some extra TLC, 5-6 hours of napping, and he slept 13 hours straight last night. So, today...Hunter is back to normal and ALL SMILES! Again, thank you all for your love and support! Picture of ear skin tag before surgery-look at bump right outside ear. The bump was growing towards inner ear, and was going to continue to grow. (sorry pic is too close).Our little boy....Mommy and Daddy love you so much. We were anxious to get this surgery over with. You have proven that you are resilient, tough, and oh-so-sweet!!


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