Wednesday, November 14, 2012

4 months

 Weight: 14.9
 Height: 26
How in the world is Trent 4 months old?? He passed his doctor exam with flying colors. She said he looks good, engaging great, and is very strong! She was so impressed that he can literally stand up. It was a pretty uneventful doctor appointment, which I am very grateful for!

 I told her, "I don't want to jinx anything, but Trent is the perfect baby!" She quickly said, "You can't jinx a perfect baby- God places these kind of babies in our lives so we can learn ease, peace and pure contentment!" I love that! It is true...I admire Trent's peace! He has this ability to exude extraordinary calmness and coolness!! These are traits that do not come naturally to me, but Trent is continuing to prove that these are amazing traits that I should practice!!

 Trent was so lovingly put together with God's hands, and you can feel that blessing when you are around him! Scott and I say that if Trent could talk, he would say things like "Mom, I'm hungry- when you get a second, please feed me." hahaha!! I literally forgot to feed him the other night before I put him to sleep. I remembered at 11:00pm! This means that he was last fed around 4pm! I bathed him and laid him in his crib, and he never made a peep...oops, bad mother moment! But, the point is that he just goes with the flow- such a gentle soul!And his eyes leave me speechless...he is just as beautiful on the outside as he is on the inside!

You know you have a sweet baby when kissing his eye lids is what puts him to sleep! I really have nothing else to say....he has just stolen my heart!
And these other two boys are just as special!! Scott is my backbone, Hunter is my joy and Trent is my peace! All together...they are my world!!

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