Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Trent had a wonderful first Thanksgiving. We are so blessed to have so many kids in our family, and the cousins always have a blast together! Thankfully, it was beautiful they played outside the entire day!! My family divides up the cooking, and we all have "our dish!" My dish is the dressing, which is a big responsibility...what is Thanksgiving without a good dressing? I use mom's recipe, and I must say that I do a pretty good job! All of the food was delicious, of course, Hunter ate as much as the adults!! Sweet boy loves his food!
My boys continue to learn how to play together. Hunter loves to push Trent in the swing and read books to him. It is so sweet to watch them interact and get to know each other! Hunter has a cough and snotty nose- so I am anxious to see if Trent gets it. I don't see how Trent will get spared...Hunter steals his pacifier all the time then puts it back in Trent's mouth!! Oh the joys of siblings passing bugs!
We just have too much to be thankful for this year. A new home, a healthy baby, and a loving big brother! This year, undeniably, has been the best year of my life! Trent has been an amazing addition to our family. He has the best laugh ever! He squeals, squints his eyes, and leans forward while laughing!
He is also a chubby little monkey! He has so many rolls on his thighs. I have to move around the fat rolls during diaper changes!! He is SO happy while getting his diaper changed. He puts his legs in the air and laughs! Then he will arch his back and start kicking away....such a happy camper. This year I am most thankful for MY BOYS and the joy they bring to our lives!

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