Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

In my opinion,Valentines Day is not about fluffy cards, homemade cookies, expensive flowers, or elaborate meals. To me, Valentines Day is all about loving those precious moments in life that are often overlooked with little recognition. I like to use Valentines Day as a day to focus on those moments that make life so very special! Warning...I say the word "love" a million times in this post!
The things that make me LOVE life are not glamorous or elaborate...actually, quiet the opposite! The things that make me love life are the quick moments, the simple pleasures. These memories outlive any flower, dinner, or cookie...these are the moments that make life worth it all- make my heart smile! These are the moments that move way too fast. My "job" may not always be appreciated, but the pay is huge...a lifetime of memories full of these precious moments that are gone in a flash! Kids are only this age for such a short time, this is such a priceless and valuable time! I remember my mom saying "you never know when you are living the best years of our life- until they're gone" I often think of that quote and can't help but to think that these are them...the best years of my life!
On this Valentines Day, I focused on reasons why I LOVE my life! Yes, it is far from glitz and is simple, but it is our life, and I LOVE it!! These are the things from today that I soaked in, and enjoyed every second! I took the time to acknowledge how blessed I am to have these nuggets as my Valentines everyday of my life!
  •  I love that it takes me 20 minutes to brush my teeth because Hunter wants to help me. He counts every movement, then tells me to spit! "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...spit momma 11,15,18,13,14,12...spit momma!"
  • I love that Hunter and Trent play in Trent's crib. Hunter reads books to him and Trent laughs and reaches for Hunter's face!
  • I love helping Hunter make his bed. He will say "okay momma, hand me the purple pillow-now the orange one!" We take our time, and I love watching him be so proud of himself!
  • I love Hunter's morning banana routine! He eats a banana sitting next to Trent, watching cartoons. I often spy on them and love watching them just simply "being!" 
  • I love that Hunter sits on the toilet and watches me get ready. He copies me and pretends he is putting on mascara and blush! He will say "my turn-buuutiful" and shut his eyes for me to put on eye shadow!
  • I love watching Trent try to feed himself. It takes forever because he puts the food in his hand then sucks his thumb- he can't figure out why the food is not coming through his thumb! He will keep looking at the food in his hand, so confused but determined! 
  • I love that Hunter stands behind me in the chair while I feed Trent baby food, he plays with my hair and says "open your mouth Baby Trent...mmmmm, that's yummy!"
  • I love that our basic lunch picnic of smashed peanut butter sandwiches and string cheese turned into an hour of  laying on our backs making shapes out of clouds..."I see a elfunt, I see Dora- you see it Momma? Where?" 
  • I love that Hunter helps me with our daily sweeping of Bentley's dog hair. He lays the dustpan down and thinks he is doing such a good job!
  • I love that we read the same book about 20 times this morning, and Hunter got equally excited each time asking "one more time!" 
  • I love how Hunter "tip-toes" down the hallway when Trent's door is shut because he knows he's sleeping....yet, he is screaming "Momma, wanna play hide-n-seek?" at the same time! 
  • I love how every time we pass church Hunter says "dats my church, I play with Shea, Parker.....(proceeds to tell me everyone in his class!)"
  • I love how Hunter gets in my car and crawls to the toy bucket. He takes forever to pick out which toy he and Trent want to play with while driving! He gets a toy for Trent and puts it on Trent's lap, then gets a toy for himself and says "okay, I'm ready, buckle me!" 

 My list could go on forever! These moments happen all day- every day! I just wanted to highlight a few so that I could always remember what my life is like....simple, slow, messy, loud, and often unproductive BUT with lots of love, laughter, and heart warming moments that make me appreciate all that I have!
And what would my life be without my wonderful husband, my partner, my bud, my go-to?!! I love my sweet husband. We have officially been together for half of our lives! I love that he always gives me random hugs, kisses on the forehead, pats on the back! I love that he cuts up my food like I am a little girl! I love his random daily text messages, emails and phone calls just to say "hi, I love you, do you need anything!" I love that he often writes me notes/cards. I love that he totally understands me, and that he loves me just the way I am! I love his patience, steadiness, thoughtfulness, and willingness to always make me happy! He always puts me and the kids first. I love that he is so simple. I love that we laugh so hard together. I love that he embraces life. I love that he is always thinking of ways to prepare for the future while still living in the moment! I love that we act like big kids together! I love his commitment to us. I love his gentle soul. I love that he gives everything, yet expects nothing. I love that he makes church and God a priority for our family. I love his heart.  I love that I trust this man with 100% of my life, heart, soul and being!
There you go!!! My 'deep-thinking' and softer side does make it's presence every once and while! I have learned so much about myself these past few years. We, as a family, have gotten so much stronger in our faith. I am genuinely seeing what God intends life to be like, and experiencing what God has in store! It's a very FULL life, and I am excited to be on the journey with my sweet loves!!

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