Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I LOVE Easter time, I love Spring! I love everything about it. I'm not sure why this has been my favorite time of year for the past 5 years or so? Maybe because of the weather, or maybe the fresh blooms? But, probably because something about this time of year reminds me of my mom! Not one memory in particular...just in general, Easter reminds me of Zsa Zsa! We are loving this Spring with my 2 boys. Hunter is obsessed with egg hunts, candy and Easter baskets...not the Easter bunny!! Our bunny picture was less than successful! They were both terrified! I love how Hunter is leaning away, so precious!
We are going to Dallas on Good Friday and staying with my cousin, Sarah, throughout the weekend. Scott's cousin, Meredith, is getting married this weekend. We are excited to see family and dance the night away. But, we are not looking forward to being in the car most of Easter day! We will wake up and have a little Easter morning with Sarah and her family, then hit the road! We will be missing out on the wide variety of Easter activities and services at church, but we LOVE our Dallas cousins and can't wait to play with them. Scott's cousins are so fun to be with, we always have a blast!
My family will be waiting at our house for us to celebrate Easter, Zsa Zsa style...loaded Easter baskets, crawfish etouffee, egg hunts and fun!! Easter is a lot of work for me because I have taken over my mom's "duties," and she always went above and beyond! However, I take on her duties with pride because I know how much the "small things" mean to kids! It's not the big stuff- it's those small things that will flash in their memory for years to come!

Trent is almost scooting/dragging across the floor. He lays on his belly and spins in circles!! Hunter will lay in front of him and put out his arms, wiggle his fingers and say "Come on Baby Trent- you can do it!" So sweet to already see Hunter trying to teach Trent and encourage him! Trent continues to be a massive eater!! He eats fajitas, sausage, spaghetti, all veggies, all fruits! He puts down the food....with not one tooth!! Both my boys are eaters, and they are both off the charts in sweetness!!I have loved taking pictures of these two lately. I think they are both at this precious stage! We look forward to our first Easter as a family of 4!

1 comment:

  1. Safe Travels and Happy Easter! You are doing such a great job!!
