Thursday, December 11, 2014

7 Months

Faith Ann, you are changing by the day. I heard a saying that I love..."the days are long, but the years are short." So true. Some days can feel long, but then I blink and months have passed! I am really savoring the days as they fly by. Just some notes of what you are up to....
- Size 6-9 month clothes
- Sleeping 7:30-7:00
- She likes to take a morning nap in our bed after I feed her at 7:00. She falls right back asleep until 9:30ish, if I let her. Otherwise, I wake her around 8:30 to get the day started.
- Afternoon nap 1:00-4:00. On Hunter's school days, nap 2:00-4:30. All 3 kids still nap at the same time...our recharge time!
- Slides around on the floor. Starting to get around a little, but not crawling yet
- Sits up great and rarely falls over anymore
- Really reaching for tables, toys, my earrings, anything...reach and grab everything
- Blows raspberries and gets spit all over her face
- Still not on the 'food wagon' yet. I try to feed her everyday, still not interested
- Breastfeeds 4 times a day
- Laughs at brothers and enjoys being entertained
We went to the train exhibit at Second Baptist this week. Wow! It was beautiful and the kids LOVED it. They went from exhibit to exhibit with huge smiles on their faces. Faith Ann wore my old dress that I had monogrammed. It is such an adorable dress, and she will definitely wear it again this season! I just love her wearing my old dresses- so priceless.
Faith Ann, you are something else. You are beyond anything I ever thought of when I imagined having a daughter. Your beauty exudes from the inside out. Your inner beauty is so special. Yes, you have gorgeous eyes...not just because of their color, but because your spirit makes them sparkle. Sounds cheesy, but so true. You already have us wrapped around every finger and every toe. Your peaceful soul and beauty radiates. Will I be able to say this about you when you are 15?! Ha! Who knows! But for now, I am eating your perfection up!

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