Monday, February 9, 2015

9 Months

Height: 28.25in (89 percentile)
Weight: 20lb ( 72 percentile)

Faith Ann, Sister, Sissy, Fay are NINE months old! In the blink of an eye, you have bloomed into your own little self! You are sweet but sassy, subtle but spunky, quiet but full of life, and still the most peaceful baby on Earth! Hunter and Trent were both pretty "easy" babies. They never really ruffled too many feathers and went along with the program for the most part....but YOU...ahh, you leave me speechless with your ease, peacefulness, grace, flexibility and contentedness!
We had your 9 month appointment last week, and Dr. Brack said, "this is the type of baby that you write home about!" Your generation will have no clue what that means...but it means that you are such a special baby that you want to tell the world! On top of everything, you are just beautiful! A quick errand used to take me 30 minutes- not any more! Nothing is quick with you!! People stop in their tracks to swoon over you...children, adults, old people, young men in their teens and 20's (that usually don't even notice babies) have hooked 'em all!
By the way, you are a total flirt, seriously. You have impeccable timing for smiles, eye contact, sideways smiles, eye flutters, laughs and babbles! Speaking of babbles- Dr. Brack said, "how is the babbling going? Any mama or dada?" And that very second, you said "mama, dada, mama, dada, mama, dada!!!" It was hilarious. Dr. Brack was like, "wait, did she just answer my question?' I'm telling you, you have impeccable timing, and I think you are going to be sharp as a tack!
I am still having a blast dressing you up! You look like a doll with all your bows and adorable outfits. However, I feel that all the glitz and glam may get in your way as you become mobile! You are starting to rock on all fours and scoot around on the floor...your dress gets in the way, you have found your bow and starting to pull at it! Oh well, I have enjoyed all the dress up and will continue to do it as long as you let me!
Dr. Brack was so pleased with how good you are doing! You have started to plateau a bit in your 'plumpness' because you only nurse 3 times a day and starting to nibble more at food. But sister, you have some curves! You have a girls body- hips, thighs, booty, long legs, long arms! Dr. Brack predicted that you will be about 5'7 with very long legs! Daddy does not like the way this is sounding....curves, long legs, tall, beautiful eyes, glistened hair, and a flirt...trouble! Good thing you have 2 older brothers!
Oh yes, your brothers! They are OBSESSED with you! My friends and I were talking about how protective they are of you. We started imagining your dating days when all 3 of you are in high school at the same time. I said, "Hunter will be the brother that will hammer your date with a million questions and want to know everything. Trent will be the brother that says nothing and just punches him in the face if his eyes wander!" Yep, you will be protected to say the least! These boys worship you!
You are really starting to explore. You get in the cheerleader "herkie" position and scoot around. Or, you do the "helicopter." This is when you lay on your tummy and spin in circles until you get to where you want to go! You are starting to rock on all fours, so I really think legit crawling is soon. However, you have no problem getting around with your creative mobility. When all else fails, your brothers pull you around the hardwood floors so you can slide to your next destination!
You breastfeed in the morning, before nap, and before bed. Then, you eat lunch and dinner. You eat whatever we are eating. You finally like food! It took you way longer than your brothers, but you are now enjoying meals rather than storing all your food in your mouth like a chipmunk then spitting it all out! You still have a much smaller appetite than your brothers did at this age, but at least you are willing to try anything! Here is what you are up to at 9 months old:
  • Sleeps 7:30-7:00
  • Finally have ONE tooth peaking through! 
  • Naps at the same time as brothers, usually fall asleep between 1:00-2:00 and sleeps for at least 2 hours.
  • Catnaps in the car, you love your 'recharger' naps
  • Size 3 diaper
  • Size 9 months clothes (can wear some 6-9 and some 12 months...give or take)
  • Gets around pretty good- almost legit crawling
  • Will only pull up on peoples hands while sitting, not on furniture yet
  • Social in a subtle, cool way!
  • You gravitate to your momma- us girls gotta stick together!
  • Love to clap 
  • Love bath time! You bathe with your brothers and this is always a highlight for you! Splash around and laugh. Daddy loves to do bath time with his sweet kids!
  • Your peace is unmatchable! Such a gift!!
And I will close with your amazing "sprinkler dance!" I thought this was so funny! Girl, you have moves!! Happy 9 months baby girl. We love, adore, admire, and appreciate you so much! 

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