Thursday, February 5, 2015

Party Weekend

My dads 72nd birthday party was a HIT! It was awesome, so memorable! About 80 people showed up, and we filled up the Firehouse Saloon. The country band was fantastic, Ninfa's food was delicious, and dad had a blast! Tons of his friends showed up...friends from childhood, lots of my parents friends, and some of his new friends from his senior living community. All his old neighbors came and our entire family and extended family. People drove into town from all over Texas. This goes to show was a good man my dad is!
Everyone wore their cowboy boots and Western wear. Everyone danced, visited and enjoyed great food and drinks. It really was a perfect night! I had MANY people tell me that it was the best party they had been to in years. There was a wide age range...late 20's-80's!! All ages had a blast!
My dad LOVED his bucket list moment! The band called him up on stage for a surprise. I did a little announcement, then handed over the microphone to my dad for his big moment that he had dreamed of for years! Singing 'Redneck Mother' on stage with a country band. It was one of the best moments in my see my dad so happy, so proud, and so admired by a room full of people! Everyone was singing along, cheering, taking pictures, dancing. Awesome! And my dad has a great voice, everyone talked about for the rest of the night!
I wore my moms old outfit from the 60's, and Scott wore my dads old shirt from the 60's. Now that's vintage!!! It was so fun to wear moms old outfit. Many of her friends remembered her wearing it, and referred to it as her "hot pant outfit!" hahaha! My friends called me "Hot Pants" for the rest of the night!
My cousins stayed with us all weekend. Sarah has a son that is Hunter's age and a daughter that is Faith Ann's age. They all had fun. We played outside with the bounce house, bikes, 4 wheeler, and lots of running! I went to a birthday party with just Trent which was a treat to spend alone time with him. It was just a great weekend with many memories made!! Isn't my cousin, Sarah, gorgeous? Her daughter, Masina, is such a beautiful doll. Sarah's husband is Somaian (he's very handsome) so their children are destined to be beautiful...inside and out!
It was also Zoe's birthday on Saturday (31st.) She turned NINE years old. Zoe has been with us from the start. She is loyal, loving and patient. Such a sweet tiny dog! She has seen it all!! Speaking of seeing it all...this was the view my cousins had as they were leaving our house. They backed out of the driveway as the boys were giving them a special "good bye!' BOYS!! Gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandi

    I came across your blog from a friend's blog and happened to read a post you did on a fear and learning to trust God everyday. It was a while ago but, God put it on my heart to share this with you now.

    I also fear (now feared) everything involving my children, everything! My mom gave me this book, Psalm 91 for Mothers by Peggy Joyce Ruth. It has given me the most precious peace. My husband and I quote Psalm 91 over our boys, ages 3 1/2 and 2 and our baby girl, 4 months every night. Both our boys have memorized this verse as well.

    My fear is gone and my faith is so strong! I share this with every mommy I can, God told me to share it with you, go get the book and share it with others!

    Hannah Mouton
