Wednesday, January 9, 2019

American Ninja Warrior (Another Season)

American Ninja Warrior. Another season. It has taken me a while to write about it because so much happened in's death, back to school, holidays! Life just passed so fast, but this is a chapter that I am very proud of! I got the call!! Over 100,000 people submit, and only 600 get called to compete. So I was pumped and headed to Dallas for another season of filming!

I was feeling super calm and confident this time around. I was totally prepared in regards to strength and skill. But, I still fell!!!!! No excuses other than "that is the name of the game." Trying a new obstacle for the first time is intimidating, especially under the lights and cameras! So, as prepared as I mental game was not on point! But, what a lesson to teach our kids! Which is the point of this journey. I want to give my kids the visual of hard work, perseverance, failure, success, nerves and faith! And above all...I want to be an example for my kids on trying your hardest. So, on those terms, I succeeded! 

It is so cool that the kids to get the full experience of a prime time show!!! The behind the scenes, walking on the stage, the greenscreen, the is SO cool!!! My kids soak up every second, and I hope these are memories they bottle up and remember. I want them to always take risks, work hard and enjoy the moment. And that is exactly what I did! 

They got to walk me on the stage again, which was amazing! I ran the course around 11:00pm, and the kids were wide awake. They were champs in front of the cameras. Again....the ONLY kids in the shows history to ever be on the stage. So awesome!!!! Scott stayed with my cousin Sarah in Dallas. I stayed in a hotel. I had plenty of time to get rest and be ready. But, this wasn't "my year" to show what I am capable of. I have peace in accepting God's timing. I am enjoying the journey. The falls, the setbacks and all! I fell on the second obstacle! In my was a new obstacle this season and the metal clip had "room for defect." I know the bar wasn't clipping properly, but I sure tried my hardest and I did get the dang bar to click. But, then fell on my dismount which is super frustrating because I KNOW I can do that! But again...a lesson in disguise for my children.

My favorite part was my kids pulling me out if the water when I fell. The best part of my ninja journey so far! After I fell, I heard their voices and saw Hunter climbing up the side of the mat. I see his hand reaching for me. I reached down for them to pull me out. Then Hunter climbed up my arm to give me a kiss. He said "you did it, good job mommy!" So what I perceived as my "failure" was a success in their eyes! I am grateful for this American Ninja Warrior keeps me grounded, humbled, challenged, grateful and honored. Honored to be the mother and example for amazing children!  

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