Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Graduation, School Plays and End of Baseball Days

Trent graduated from Kindergarten!! He is such a big boy. He has grown leaps this year. His confidence is off the charts, maybe a little too off the charts! ha! But he has found a love for math this year. He has a natural way of catching on, which is awesome! He is a great reader, still trying to make him "love" reading as much as math! It's all a process as I learn about all of my children. And Trent is such a stud, a stellar student, strong athlete and awesome friend. It was so sweet to watch him cross the stage!

 And sister!!! She had her Hungry Caterpillar play. I could eat her up. She was so excited to stand up on stage. She was a lady bug for one scene and a cupcake for another! She is so tall! It will be neat to see how they all age and if she remains the "tall girl!" She is so beautiful on the inside and out. I was beaming as I watched her perform.

 Hunter was SO SO excited about his play. "It's a Hit." It was a baseball play, and it was precious. Hunter got to be the batter, and he was so pumped about that. He struck out one scene and hit a homerun another! It was a musical play, and Hunter excelled. I think he has found a love for performing. We will see where that goes?! He now wants to be an actor! So let's see if his love for the spotlight continues.

The rest of our afternoons have been filled with make up, outdoor playing, ice cream playdates, and lots of laughs. I love nothing more than watching my kids play together. They have such great chemistry. As the school year ends and they keep prayer is that they keep loving each other through the years, through the school plays, graduations and all chapters of life!

And we can officially say goodbye to baseball season 2019. Trent was asked to play in the "All Star Game." He was very excited about this opportunity. He got to play with the top 2 players from each team. All those players combined made quiet the team. Unstoppable. It is going to be SO fun to watch when all these boys get to be on the same school team in middle school! Trent found his unique batting stance this season...pigeon toe stance. Somehow, it worked wonders for him! He may grow out of it, or it may be "his thing!" The coaches always giggled, but Trent got the last laugh every time he creamed the ball! Go Trent! Stay unique my boy!

As we say goodbye to baseball 2019...I tuck away these precious team pictures. A memory to store as I reflect on this awesome season filled with growth, mistakes, big hits, laughter, fun, and a huge learning curve! So fun! It's a fun season of life around here!!

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