Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Happy 5th Birthday Faith Ann!

How on Earth is my baby FIVE?! Faith Ann turned 5 on May 8th. It was an amazing birthday. A big milestone. A big birthday for a big girl! Of course we started off the morning with donuts on the way to school! We were watching the weather very closely all day! It was supposed to be pouring, which would make us cancel her pool party after school. So that had me on edge, but I decided to wait it out. I'm glad I did!!! The party went off without a hitch!

Mermaid pool party at my brothers house. They just got a new pool, and Faith Ann has been wanting her party there since they broke ground! She had it all planned out, which is why I prayed so hard for the rain to hold off! I moved her party up an hour to try and beat the rain. So, all her friends hustled over right after school. It was great!

 Cousin Ally made her mermaid cake, and it was perfection. Faith Ann picked out all her decorations months ago, haha! So, she was so excited to finally get them out of the closet and celebrate her long awaited mermaid party.

 We had sack races, which Hunter was in charge of. He worked very hard on keeping this organized. Such a sweet brother. I made strawberry cups with powdered sugar topped with a mermaid tail. Chicken nuggets and snacks. The party favor bags were adorable!! Mermaid boxes with treats on the inside and flip/sequenced mermaid tail keychain.

 All the girls got a pool noodle too, which was a hit. I'm glad I got them all a noodle because it really helped keep them all afloat!!! I was in the pool watching these 16 girls like a hawk! Scott didn't take his eyes off the pool either. Beau was on patrol too. Such an adorable group of girls!

 Faith Ann was SO excited when she opened the gate to see her party ready to go. She couldn't contain herself. She threw on her mermaid bathing suit and posed like it was a modeling photo shoot. She was soaking up every second.

 I worked hard on making this party exactly the way she dreamed. It was worth every dollar and all the time. Beau and Kate were so kind to offer their home and pool! They were so flexible and great hosts. Cousin Ally is admired, and we are grateful for her personal touch with the cake. There was so much love put into this party, and you could feel every ounce of the love. Happy Birthday to my dream come true. Faith Ann, you are everything I ever dreamed of!

We ended the week with Mothers Day. It was dreamy!! Scott took over completely. I went to a fun workout class with a friend after church. Then I had a girls lunch! Scott and the kids took my car to get cleaned and a full tank of gas. They also went to the grocery store for the week. I got a massage gift card, a new awesome jacket, handmade cards and lots of hugs. Talk about an awesome Mothers Day. What a great end to a fun birthday week!

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