Saturday, February 26, 2022

My Boys and Nashville GIRLS trip!

 Hunter and Trent!! My boys. We have so much fun together. Hunter is the most kind, thoughtful and joyful child I know. He is seriously something else. Growing into his own. His last year in elementary school is going fast, and I am soaking it all in.

Trent is loyal, steady and such a star at everything he does. We are trying to get to the bottom of his spelling struggles. He is about to undergo testing at school, so more on that to come. For now, we are working hard to connect the dots. He is a straight A student, and sails through school. But, spelling is quiet the struggle. I am trying to find some answers to make it easier for him. 

And Nashville, TN!! My good friend, Stevie, and I decided to hop on a plane to go to Nashville for the weekend. Scott's cousin, Christopher, owns a bar there so we got to hang with him. We listened to live music, tried great restaurants, shopped, saw a show at the Ryman Theater, slept in, stayed out until 4am, and def drank too much. Hahah! It was a fun trip of refueling our "momma tank." We came back tired, but also motivated to tackle the year!! 

1 comment:

  1. My kids commented this is a cute picture I displayed it life size and they got a big kick out of that!
