Wednesday, January 12, 2011


That's right...4 months! His appointment is coming up, and I look forward to seeing how much he has grown. I know I say this every week, but really...everyday gets more and more FUN!  I'm just going to ramble a is what is going on in our lives:

Hunter is still breastfeeding, but he is starting to understand food. He will stare at my mouth while I am eating. He is getting pretty curious about food! For now, breastmilk seems to be keeping him satisfied...we will see what the coming month has in store! While eating, he will pull away from me and start talking, laughing, and smiling then go right back to eating. It is so funny, but is adding some time onto each feeding!! That is okay...that is the kind of time that is worth slowing down for! One of the biggest gifts that Hunter has given us is that he is perfectly content entertaining himself. We love holding and playing with him, but we also love "our time!" And Hunter gives us that and more...I am never rushed (well, hardly ever) while getting dressed, showering, eating, cooking,'s great! I do NOT take this for granted!

Hunter's 3 favorite things right now...1. his exersaucer 2. reading from the "Childrens Bible" and 3. my "Susie" personality. Well, that is a long story...but in a nutshell...I have a personality named "Susie." She has a crazy lisp and has very funny things to say. Susie also makes bizarre faces while talking. Hunter laughs so hard that he gets tears in his eyes! Scott is very jealous of Susie...he is trying to create his own personality. So far, Hunter has not laughed at Oscar, Omar, or any others. Scott is still working on it!! Scott is the best. He is the best dad, and in my opinion the best dad entails being a great husband...and that he is!! I woke up the other morning to a note from Scott next to the breakfast he made me with a glass of already poured apple juice in the fridge! No matter how happy he is to see Hunter, he always kisses me first when coming home...what a great example to Hunter!

I am in a Bible study with a wonderful group of young mothers. We are reading, "My Tub is overflowing, but I feel drained." It is a Christian based book on the realities of motherhood. I think my "ah-ha" moment came when I read about how a mother worries! I thought..."am I a bad mother because I never worry about Hunter?" Don't get me wrong- I want what's best for him and will do anything in the world for him...but fear and worry-not so much! I questioned myself for a second...then, I kept reading...why worry? Worrying will not add one hour to his life, in fact it will take away many joys of his childhood and from your motherhood!! Release the worry to God...and that is a hard lesson that I learned when I watched my mom loose her long, painful fight to cancer! There is a certain peace that comes along with "letting go of the things you can not control!!" That is one of the VERY FEW good things that came along with loosing my mom. This lesson has allowed me to really enjoy motherhood so far, and I am glad that the book pointed this out to me so that I can appreciate it!!! I love this group of moms, and looking forward to our crazy adventures!

Gotta go...I can hear the priceless sound of Hunter laughing while Scott sings to him! What a great time of life!! Pictures of us celebrating Scott's 28th Bday!! And the camo picture...well, Scott dressed him for church! hahaha, I pick my battles ;-)

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