Wednesday, January 26, 2011

4 month stats

Weight:14.5 lb
                                                                      Height:25.5 in
He is still growing fast and is in about the 40-50% for both...pretty average! Doctor said, "What he lacks in size, he makes up for in personality!" She also said that he is "very socially advanced!" He smiled and talked the entire doctor appointment!So...this means that he may not be the biggest, smartest or strongest...but he sure will love a party!! Do I smell trouble?!

Not much to say this week, other than.....Baby Boot Camp is NOT for sissy's!! A group of girls and I went to try it out thinking, "Oh cute, a bunch of moms and their babies!" Well....cute is not the word! Let's just say we were all sore for days. We are crazy enough to keep going, however now we are mentally prepared!

Scott's new favorite thing about Hunter...his ONE long hair!! Hunter has very little hair, but he has one hair on the top of his head that is about 5 inches long! That one hair blows in the wind and glistens in the is so funny! Hunter's accomplishment of the week...he rolled over from belly to back! He is not consistent but has done it a few times. Tummy time is a little more tolerable with a blanket bunched up under his chest. He rolls over by getting on all fours (elbows and knees)...then plomp!

Hunter enjoyed his music class at Second Baptist. He played with bells and thought all of the singing mommies were very funny! We sang the "Wheels on the Bus" and you would of thought that Hunter won the lottery!! His smile was ear to ear as we squealed along with the song!

A-m-a-z-i-n-g! Who would of thought that an earlier bedtime means a later wake time!? We were putting Hunter down at 8 and he would wake 5:30-6:00. So, we changed it up by putting him down at 7:00-7:30 and he sleeps straight to 7:00-7:30! According to "Healthy sleep=Happy Baby"...that extra 30 minutes before bedtime was making him "over tired" preventing him from getting quality sleep...oops, makes me feel bad! Live and learn-we are all on the same page and respect his need for an early bedtime! Even though, it's kinda a bummer that 'daddy time' is cut short. Scott says, "It not the quantity of time- it's the quality of time that counts!" So true! On the flip side...lots more "Brandi and Scott time!" We are enjoying the fact that we have our "evenings back!"

"Sunday's Best!"  Yes, I know this outfit is a little "girly," but come on....he's just a baby! I thought he looked adorable at church in his linen romper! Hunter has the best laugh...his "whole face laughs!"

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