Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mommy Brain

Is there such thing? My mom used to claim that she had "chemo brain" while she was being treated for pancreatic cancer. Well, I claim that I have "mommy brain!" Here's why: I was looking for my cell phone...while I was talking on it! I left my house with one earring on. I have created my own vocabulary-not by choice! I actually parked in my neighbors driveway and unloaded Hunter before I realized I was in the wrong driveway! For those that know me...probably aren't real surprised by my "coo-coo-ness!" the list could go on but I must say, I have really laughed at myself! Good thing Hunter isn't old enough to tease me yet;)! What's my come back...I have "mommy brain!"

Hunter is being baptized Feb 27th...thank you to our great friend Meredith and Uncle Greg for being Godparents! We are very blessed to have Hunter baptized at a church that we love so much!!

No question....we have the BEST family and friends!! My eyes got opened to the importance of friendships... I always say, "It's so hard not having a mom at  times when I just want to go to the grocery store, go to dinner with friends, etc!" One of my friends said back to me, "God may have taken your mom but he has blessed you with friends that love Hunter as their own!" SO TRUE!! Hunter has been babysat by many of our friends, he is so loved by them! Hunter has a lot of 'aunts'!! I LOVE staying home, especially spending so much time with the best of friends! Our days are filled with lots of laughter, memories, and FUN! These are years that I will forever look back on and cherish! We are about to start a music class and "Baby Boot Camp!" So many creative things out there to participate in!!

I made the choice to always let Scott "do the Dad things" without me critiquing him. I am totally okay with the experiences that Hunter and Scott will have....candy for dinner, camo to church, sharing an ice cream cone with the dog, doing homework in front of the TV, skipping a shower, etc! Scott was "in charge" of Hunter the other day and the "Dad things" have already started.....they played in the cold rain together, cleaned guns, and wore a backwards diaper! Hey, Hunter survived!!

Hunter facts: He can sit up alone for about 2 minutes, almost rolling over, hates tummy time, still wearing 0-3 month clothes (some are kinda snug), is a very "still" sleeper, teething like a "rockstar," loves his pappy, laughs loud, grabs things, keeps his eye on me, sleeps in his sleep sack, wakes me up by talking and laughing in the morning, is a total flirt with girls, and still loves "Susie!!" Here is a picture of his "teething face!"

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