Thursday, July 2, 2015

Happy 70th Birthday Zsa Zsa

Today would have been my moms 70th birthday! Man, I miss her! She filled me with her words of wisdom in her final months. She knew that she would be missing out on my children's lives, but she sure did leave her mark on their future! She taught me so much about motherhood, sometimes I feel like she is right here with me, guiding me on my motherhood journey! I reflect back on her example and her words daily. It's like she had a crystal ball and could see my future as a did she know exactly what I would need to know?! Thank you mom for all you have done and all that your legacy continues to teach me!
Today, in memory of her birthday, the kids all drew a picture/birthday card. Then, we went to the store to buy balloons. I tied the card to each of the balloons and we let go of the balloons. We sent the cards to Heaven!! The kids loved watching those balloons fly away, and they imagined what Zsa Zsa would do in Heaven when she saw those balloons fly up to her! What will she think of the cards? Ahh, their little minds went wondering and I loved hearing their imagination!! They enjoyed singing 'Happy Birthday' and praying for Zsa Zsa! My family goes to Prince's Hamburgers in her memory every year on her birthday. She loved a good Prince's hamburger!! We had a great dinner in her memory and all wore party hats!
I could write a book about all her wise words. They play over in my head like a broken record. Just a few that have played in my mind recently..."motherhood moves too damn fast to sweat the small what if she wants a pacifier at 3 years old- she will get over it, so what if you make mistakes- learn from them and let it go, so what if your child is too shy to say hi to your neighbor- it's a phase, so what if you lose patience- that's part of the learning curve, so what if you don't keep up with the Joneses- be unique and have more fun than those stuffy Joneses, so what if your child doesn't get everything they want- it's life, so what if your child has a huge meltdown in public- act like the nanny and run!" Hahaha! She was witty, funny, fun, smart, and the best role model! And yes, I have done the last one (many times!) It doesn't work so good anymore because Hunter calls me out, "MOM, you're my mom right now, but Trent's nanny because he's the one acting rude, right?" Oh, bless my children's hearts!
My mom was an advocate for letting babies stay babies for as long as possible, letting children learn who they are without mom hovering over their every breath, letting teenagers make mistakes, and letting your adult children be your friend...all while she was the foundation, the example, the guidance, the cheerleader, and the prayer warrior for her children. She let us all be unique. She was unique! Some of her best words were, "don't follow the crowd, follow your gut!" And as a mother, following your gut isn't always the easiest thing to do. When I do throw the 'guidelines' and other people's expectations out the window and just focus on my gut, I am always 100% at peace with the direction my gut takes me! I am getting better and better at this, and it feels good! Thank you mom for teaching me this skill!
Most of all, my mom taught us the power of laughter. The kids and I have had many dance parties in the driveway with my car doors open with blaring music- who cares if the neighbors think I'm crazy! I have tied all my scarves together to make the 'worlds largest limbo competition' across the yard- who cares if the scarves get messed up! I have done Chinese fire drills at stop signs- who cares if we are late. This mindset is something that I am getting better at as I age. Along with that mindset, comes a carefree fun! I am grateful that I get to experience that mindset while my kids are still young. It doesn't always come natural for me to let go, but again, thank you mom for teaching me this skill!
I have incorporated way more fun into my life since mom passed away! I know, that doesn't make sense! But, she taught me the power of not giving 'a you know what' and just living your life! In her words, "LIVE until you die, don't die and regret never living! Don't overthink life, life is fun, enjoy it!" And in honor of my mom, we are sure are having fun! Happy Birthday mom!!
Our days have been filled with more outside adventures, zoo trip with Scott's mom, playtime in the Woodlands with Mimi and Macy, lots of playtime with cousin Ally! She "works" over here during the summer. She comes over Tuesday afternoon to help me out. I pay her by buying her back to school clothes! We have also been loving our long Wednesday lunches at daddy's office. We visit with Mr. P (the shoe shine man), play at the Waterwall, and Ally has joined the lunch dates too! Fun summer days, and I sure wish my mom could be here to add to the memories! In moms words, "you never know when you are living the best years of your life...until they are gone!" As I look at these pictures, it is confirmed...these have to be the best years of my life! How can it get any better?! Thank you mom for opening my eyes and preparing me to embrace the best years of my life! 

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