Saturday, June 29, 2019

Happy 7th Birthday Trent!

We celebrated Trent's birthday early. Mainly because the perfect party idea came up, and I jumped on it!! Houston Texans Football camp, with the Texans coaches on the Texans field! Dream come true for my boy!!! We surprised him the day before with a #99 Texans jersey with his name on it! Helmet too! Then, we told him that 7 of his closest friends were coming epic birthday party for Trent!

His expression was priceless! It was a 2 day football camp, 9:00-1:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Then, ALL the boys spent the night at our house in between. It was crazy, chaos, fun and oh so memorable! All the boys were dropped off at 7am to kick off the surprise. They loaded our cars and we were off!

Running back Lamar Miller was there, and the boys filled the Texans "bubble practice field." The coaches had them running drills, learning skills and a lot about hard work. They were pooped! I sat and watched the entire time. These boys thought they were professional football players. It was adorable!

I thought they were going to want to chill when we got home...nope, I was wrong! They were ready to rumble. They filled our backyard play lodge, played flag football, played kickball, hide and seek! Then, we wrapped the Astons house. But, Hunter and the older siblings had a plan in water balloon attack us while we wrapped. It was awesome and so funny!

Beau, Kate, Ally, Uncle Greg, and grandpa came over for cake and root beer floats! We sang Happy Birthday, and Trent was a happy camper. They took off their shirts and all played on the trampoline. There were a few "injuries" but all had smiles. This group of boys is so rough and tumble. Lots of wrestling. They were too sweaty to come inside, so I hauled them down the street for and outdoor shower at the Astons house. Maybe my favorite part of the entire weekend. So cute and funny!

I threw all their clothes outside and told them to change into pajamas before coming inside. Epic! Lots of laughs! I made an assembly line and they brushed their teeth and made a huge pallet. We rented WonderPark movie, and they crashed. It was most of their first time to have a sleepover. Big deal! They all did great, and I found Bentley in the middle of them at 2am! We woke up early for day 2 of camp! Donuts and cleaned up! I dropped everyone home after the camp. It was action packed, but a birthday that Trent will never forget. May all your wishes come true sweet Trent!

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