Monday, June 10, 2019

Summer Off With A Bang!!

Last day of school!!!! I decorated the dining room with summer colors and treats to get the kids ready for summer. Each kid got a book series to read over summer, bathing suit, water shoes, summer journal to write in daily, and workbooks. Although most of it is educational...they were totally pumped about everything. They were excited to kick summer off with goals to keep their school skills sharp this summer!

I decorated the front porch with a big banner that says "Welcome to the Coolest Summer Ever!" With a wagon full of water balloons. They were so gitty and ready to start summer off right! They got out of school at noon, and we did "Boogie Down Britmoore." This is where the school throws water balloons at the running 5th graders. It's a totally cool and funny event. The kids (and parents) love it!

After Boogie Down Britmoore...we had 9 kids in tow to head to our house for an epic slumber party! "Summer 2019 Slumber Party!" Each kid had 2 friends, and we had a blast!!! The entire day was filled with pizza, outdoor games, popsicles, forts and movies! Then, when Scott got home, we loaded both of our cards with kids and went to Westside for swimming and dinner!

9 kids ranging from 5-8 years old was quiet the task...a fun task! We were busy bees! We got home from Westside around 8:30, and the kids were pooped from a long exciting day. We hunkered down on pallets and watched the rest of the Chipmunk movie! The girls couldn't keep their eyes open, so we headed to bed. I slept in FaithAnn's room with girls. It was all of the girls first sleepover, so I wanted to be near by in case of a scare in the middle of the night. But, nope...not a peep! They slept like rocks!

The boys all slept on the pallets in the living room. Actually, Trent made his way to the bed with Scott! ha! We were all over the house. But everyone got a good night of sleep. Then, they requested monogrammed chocolate chip pancakes. So, sticking with the epic sleepover theme, I said yes!! They had so much fun helping me make them! They were so tasty! We loaded our front yard picnic table for another meal filled with children.

Then the following days were filled with lots of outdoors, reading, swimming and day trip adventures. We celebrated Memorial Day at my brother, Beau's house. We grilled and swam. My aunt Janis, uncle Jim and cousin Katie joined us. It was a simple and great day!

Summer 2019...we are ready for you! Off to a great start. We have a lot of vacations in store, no schedule, no technology, no plan...just spontaneous fun! Which means there will be plenty of time for them to love and hate each other! We already had an incident where Hunter threw the kickball at Trent when he was running to base. Trent fell and busted his knee...bad! A huge hematoma formed. Trent was in pain. Hunter felt awful. He wrote an apology letter on the back of his book and left the book by Trent's bed. I found the note in the morning and it melted my heart. They are good kids, well rounded, and at the end of the day...they love each other like crazy! Let's do this SUMMER 2019!

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