Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

Fall is such a simple time. The calm before Christmas, a time to focus on what matters most. Family and good memories. FaithAnn had her Thanksgiving play at school. She was an Indian, and it was precious! She was excited about all the songs and "her part!!"

Our yard is filled with leaves. We have 2 trees in our yard that drop all their leaves within one week, which means our yard really looks like FALL. The kids love it, and it provides hours of entertainment. Our sweet mailman always stops at our house, everyday, to play whatever the kids are playing. Well, this week he jumped right in the leaves. Such joy! He jumped in the pile...the kids laughed so hard. Treasured simple moment that the kids will remember forever. The smallest gestures of joy go a long way!

The kids got a week off school for Thanksgiving. I loaded ALL my clients in on Monday...almost 12 hours straight of training people. The kids were so patient and contained their excitement. I started packing right away and we got on the road to go visit my brother, Chad, and his family. They live in Brownwood, Tx. It is about 4.5 hours away, which feels like a long drive with excited kids! We made it, and my kids busted out of the car to kick off the week with cousins.

We celebrated an overdo birthday party for cousin Rebecca. We went to a trampoline park. Their highlight was playing dodgeball on the trampoline...these cousins dominated! The kids played for hours at my brothers house. They chased their goats, shot the BB gun, played football, rode the tractor, and more. It was cold and drizzly a lot of the time. But that didn't slow them down! Veronica and I did a 5k Turkey Trot run on Thanksgiving morning. Early! And cold! But so worth it. Great memories.

Then, plans changed as the stomach bug hit all of my brothers kids! One by one, they went down. All three of them. Throwing up and fever! Veronica locked them in their bedroom in hopes we didn't catch it. Good news is that none of the Monteverde's got taken down with the bug. But, bad news is their cousin play time got cut short. They were locked in their room while my kids helped cook for the big meal.

We still had a delicious meal. Then, we left bright and early the next day to give them their recovery time. And in hopes to avoid the bug!! So, it wasn't all as planned, but there were treasured moments and highlights that we will hold onto to.

I was excited to host my first annual KTF Fitness Thanksgiving with some of my clients that take my church class. Their husbands tagged along, and we did a workout then enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal together. I LOVED this and plan to do it every year with my amazing girls! The men couldn't believe how hard the workout was!  

We missed seeing Beau and Kate, even though we see them often. We still wanted some Thanksgiving time together. Beau and Kate cooked the entire meal...we just showed up. It was awesome! Sam was home from college, and we really enjoyed spending time with our "older cousins!" It was the perfect ending to an action packed Thanksgiving.

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