Monday, May 15, 2023

Fun Stuff

 Random goodness. Escape room, playing in the rain, school book fair, school auction party, Houston rodeo, Valentines dance, and a crazy reaction in Lou! Wow. Our days are action packed. First up is talking about Valentines Day. I had some girls over to make homemade Valentines donuts. Our school has a daddy daughter dance, and it is precious. FaithAnn got all dressed up. I loved wathcing her get ready, and i did her hair. SO memorable, and we look forward to this each year. 

A funny (not funny) memory is the rodeo with the kids. I took them alone, and Trent didn't feel great. He stuck it out and rode a few rides. But faded fast. He threw up on the way home...with his head hanging out of the window on the freeway. The throw up did not stay outside, lol. It was flying back in while I was driving 70 mph. It was traumatizing and definitely memorable. I'm working more on Mighty Movers, the program I have started with Camp Blessing. I have 40 kids signed up to go this summer. Holy cow, I am excited and will write more about it later. But my logo is can move mountains. 

Now onto this CRAZY REACTION Lou had. We think she got stung by something because her chin got swollen. Gave her Benadryl and it seemed to settle down. A few days later, her chin looked like this!!!! So nasty. She had to get shaved, injections, blood work, wear a massive cone, and take strong steroids. I had to go to 3 vets. They think the sting sparked some kind of autoimmune reaction. She is still on medicine 2 months later. Thankfully it is much better and almost back to normal. I had to wash it twice a day. Medicine around the clock. It was a lot to deal with. I am hoping she will start weaning off this medicine soon. What an eventful journey. 

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