Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy 6 year Anniversary!

Scott and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary this past Saturday (July 16th). We dropped off Hunter at my aunts house so that we could go on a "lunch date." That night, we went to Meredith's wedding, which we had an awesome time!! Our real anniversary celebration is next week in Ixtapa, Mexico!! My aunts are taking shifts staying at my house with Hunter and the dogs! I have lists, posters, and notes all around this house because they will not be able to "just pick up the phone" to call me considering we will be out of the country. I feel super organized and ready to "close down" that part of my brain for the week! However, I know that Hunter will be on my mind and I will miss him. I just won't be sad to be away from him for a little while, and I'm sure "vice-versa!" Being with him every day is the greatest gift, but sometimes absence gives you a new found appreciation of your blessings! Scott and I are so excited to spend time away from the "monotony" of our daily duties. diapers, no feedings, no naps, no laundry, no thinking about time!! This is going to be GREAT! As much as I am looking forward to it...I know that I will be happy to get back home to my sweet boy!
 Speaking of spending the week away....I am still breastfeeding! I took a challenge a few months ago to pump and save 180 ounces for our vacation. Back in April, I said to myself, "If I start now, I just have to pump an extra 2-3 oz a day- I can do that!!" Well, proud to say that I completed my mission...BUT, I am SO stinkin' tired of that damn pump! Just the sound of it makes me want to vomit!! In addition to the crazy amount of time I spent behind that pump, our freezer is so full. Scott and I have a tiny section for our own food! This mission was CRAZY!! But, once I was half way there..I thought that I may as well go all the way! To say the least...I am putting AWAY my pump the second I get back from Ixtapa (yes, I am still going to pump here and there while on vacation!) My plan is to start introducing whole milk when we get back to slowly start the weaning process.
 Hunter did great with all 6 babysitters this past week/weekend. I was in the wedding, so I had a lot of activities to go to. He is a pretty flexible little guy. The only thing that I have discovered that he likes to "stay the same" is his sleeping times...everything else is pretty "go with the flow." He LOVES mandarin oranges, playing ball, and taking a shower with daddy. He is such a boy...he opens his mouth under the shower water then spits it out! He enjoys the water going over his head. He loves bath time- but I think he is going to be a "shower guy!" I know I always say this, but Hunter's laugh is the BEST in the world. His belly laugh is so priceless, and his pure joy of life is a wonderful blessing that I enjoy daily!

Sweetest photo series ever! This is Hunter's reaction every day when Scott gets home from work "Is that Daddy I hear?".... " IS Daddy!! Time to PLAY!"


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