Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ixtapa Vacation

Was AMAZING!!!! Scott and I enjoyed our time together as we lounged on the beach, swam with dolphins (I stood on their noses,) parasailed, played golf, lots of R&R and yummy meals!! Overall, we had a blast "just being each other!" One of my favorite memories of the trip...about 10pm, Scott and I cuddling on a lounge chair on our fabulous balcony watching a heat lightning storm. We sat there for a couple of hours just being with each other!
We had a wonderful anniversary trip and we are so grateful for Aunt Ginger and Aunt Janis for babysitting/house sitting/dog sitting!! Ginger stayed the first few nights then Janis took over the rest. I had the house SO organized because I was worried there was going to be very little communication since we were out of the country. I was right...I only talked to them a total of 10 minutes the entire vacation! So, I was very glad that I took the time to make sure they had no questions about Hunter, the house, the dogs, my car, etc!
 They are both having "Hunter withdrawals" and miss him so much this week. He was just as good and goofy as ever for them. They said he ate and slept like King...phew, I was relieved to hear that! Janis said that she talked to Hunter about Zsa-Zsa (my mom) a lot and how much she would love his effervescent personality! I am glad that Janis and Ginger got to experience the carefree, silly, content baby that I enjoy daily! Scott and I hardly even talked about Hunter while in Ixtapa...yea for us!! We both said that we "didn't miss him, but were thinking about him." We landed close to his we ran to baggage claim, flew through customs, ran in the door just to give this sweet boy a hug before he went to sleep. Gosh, we love him! It was so sweet, he kept putting his head on my chest!! He did great while we were gone!
My 28th Birthday is tomorrow!! We have a high school babysitter that we would recommend to anyone! She is wonderful and reliable. She is babysitting Hunter for us to celebrate. We are having a happy hour at our house then a group of friends are going to Japerineros (Sushi restaurant in Sugar Land.) Why are we driving all the way to Sugar Land for sushi you ask??? is the BEST sushi in the world-and may I add- the best mojitos that will ever graze your lips!
 Mojitos.....that brings me to breastfeeding!! I had a TON of milk in the freezer for our vacations. And, there is still over 80 oz left! So, I am beginning the weaning process. I am going to start by skipping one feeding a week and giving Hunter a bottle of pumped milk in place of that breastfeeding session. This "week to week" plan will hopefully make weaning less painful for me! Then, I will start using whole milk once I have run out of my freezer milk. He will be close to 1 year old then, which means this will be the prefect plan. Now, let's see if the plan rolls out as hoped ;-)

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