Monday, January 28, 2013

Zoo Fun

Trent went to the zoo for the first time this past weekend. Hunter was all over the place because he was so excited about all the animals. Most of our focus was trying to keep Hunter contained while Trent just sat back and chilled! It was a gorgeous day so I know he was relaxed by the weather!
We got there right when the zoo opened, and we went with a large group of friends. Hunter is at the perfect age for the zoo. He was in heaven!! He kept saying, "I wanna see LSU tiga!" And he got so excited when we finally got to the tiger cage! I packed Hunter's lunch and snacks because he has been eating a TON lately...sure enough, he ate every bite! I fed Trent while Hunter ate. It was a challenge to find a secluded spot to breastfeed Trent, so I found a table by the chicken coop! Trent was so distracted as random chickens would cross my was hilarious! Scott said, "Bran, you create chaos!!" Yes I do- but it is fun chaos!!
Speaking of eating...Trent is getting the hang of baby food. He is still a very messy eater, but getting better! He likes rice cereal and has eaten a variety of baby foods...sweet potato, broccoli, peas, banana, carrots. He eats baby food with rice cereal for dinner, and he just started eating lunch too! We will start breakfast in the next few weeks. This will get us to 3 meals a day with breastfeeding in between. These phases are going too fast!! He still breastfeeds 8am, 11am, 1pm (before nap), 4pm, and 7bedtime. His dinner is usually around 6:00, and we have started lunch whenever Hunter eats (usually around 12:00.) The 1:00 feeding before nap will be the first to go, but he will let me know when he is ready for that. He is a huge eater and is growing like a weed. He is a big boy with a big appetite!!
We had a little "photo session" after church. I thought the boys looked so cute, so I took a million pictures. They are starting to really act like "brothers." Trent laughs when Hunter hurts himself and Hunter is always looking for ways to protect Trent. Hunter is still all boy... he gets dirty and sweaty daily, loves physical activity, and is rough and tumble. He continues to make me smile as I watch his gentle and sincere love towards Trent. He just adores him! Trent has the most beautiful eyes and light hair...he is going to be a mega heart breaker! We are in a good place! Both boys are at a wonderful age and phase...I want to bottle these days up!

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