Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

We had a pretty laid back Mothers Day. Scott and Hunter made me breakfast, we went to church, went on a long family walk, then Scott let me take the night off! He was in charge of dinner, bath time and putting them both to sleep!! Honestly, Scott does this at least once a week, but it was an extra special treat to know he was taking over in honor of Mothers Day! I got to sleep in until about 8:00. Hunter ran into my room holding cards for me to read. The smell of bacon filled the house, and my boys were so excited to spoil me...perfect Mothers Day!! These boys make my days so adventurous. They are both at this wonderful age, and I am shocked daily at how much they admire each other! They mesh so well! God knew exactly what he was doing when he pieced these two together...what an honor to be their mommy!! I would say that my first Mothers Day with two kids was a success. It was simple, yet perfect!


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