Monday, May 12, 2014

Welcome Faith Ann

Faith Ann Monteverde
May 8th 
It's a GIRL! We welcomed our daughter 4 days ago, and we are loving every second as a family of 5! Starting Wednesday May 7th, I started feeling my body in labor mode. I had cramps, no appetite, contractions. I carried out my normal day at a slower pace- knowing labor was around the corner. Sure enough, at 3am the contractions established a pattern. I let it go for a while and woke up Scott to tell him that "today is the day!"
I finally drove myself to the hospital around 7am because I wanted Scott to get the boys situated when they woke up. I got hooked up to monitor around 8am, and they confirmed I was in labor at 5cm and leaking amniotic fluid with contractions 2 min apart. Scott got to hospital around 8:30. My dear friend, Kristina, watched the boys and took Hunter to school. The doctor came in around 9:00 to break my water- since it was leaking, they decided to fully break it to proceed with labor.
The anesthesiologist came in and said, "I am about to be tied up for a couple hours in c-sections, so you may want to get an epidural now." I was hesitant because I felt like I was just getting setteled! He assured me that it was a good idea to grab him while he was available. So, I got my epidural around 9:45. I am so thankful that I took his advice...phew!!

The nurse checked me around 10:15ish, she said that I was 6cm. She was leaving to go pump since she just had a baby. She told me she would be back in about 40 minutes to check again. Well, the second she left...BAM, pressure! Hard pressure, like bowling balls were banging and twisting in my hips. I HAD to push that second!! Scott called the nurse right back in, she reluctently checked me since she just did. To her shock...I progressed from 6cm to 10 cm in just TWELVE minutes! WHAT??

That's when the scrambling started. She pushed a button and demanded all available nurses ASAP. She said, "I need all nurses- we are delivering this baby, no time for the doctor!" The nurses rushed in, telling me to keep my legs together until they got stuff situated. Amazingly, my doctor came barging in- placed my legs in the stirrups. She only had time to put on gloves, but I am SO glad she was there for delivery!
I pushed for 2 contractions. There was not that movie moment where the doctor holds up the baby and calmly says "It's a girl!" No, my doctor literally tossed the baby on my belly and had to get focused on catching my placenta (gross!) So, all the nurses were chanting, "what is it- what is it?" One of the nurses scrambled to open the legs and started running in place and screaming "It's a GIRL!!" All the nurses were cheering, Scott got teary eyed, and I was in a bit of shock!
I have to admit, it took me about 24 hours to really accept that I have a daughter. Obviously I was excited, but it just took me some time to wrap my mind around it. I was SO close to my mom, that having a daughter was like a rush of so many emotions. It took me some time to filter the emotions, but as the hours passed, I grew more and more ecstatic! Now, I can't hardly stand it...she is the perfect puzzle piece to our family!!

The hospital stay was pretty low key. We had some visitors, but we had a lot of alone time with Faith Ann. That quiet bonding time was so cherished! It started our life together in such a special way. James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above." Amen to that! Welcome to the world Faith Ann!

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